Ditto Mr Camara,

these uncouth APRC sycophants should be told where they belong.  Tombong should engage himself in more worthwhile things than being the mouthpiece of that knucklehead Matarr Njaga Njie.  What a shame on this man to be championing the case of the deranged Njaga Njie.

Tombong Saidy: get a life and be a man for once.  As Mr Camara rightly put it to you  the L archives are bulging with questions you need to answer.  How about re-visiting Peter Gomez's dismissal following his courageous report on Yahya's 'Sharia' dream.  Peter is among the best journalists the Gambia had and yet you stayed mute when he got dismissed by Moron Jammeh.

And please Mousieur Le Directeur Generale, can you please check your grammar and spelling before sending anything on this forum.  I feel ashame anytime i read you.  My friends keep asking, whether you are really the head of a TV station.  In your case, mediocrity will not be accepted. 

Anyway, i for one will continue in honing my language skills, especially the  English Language which happen to be part of my everyday life in the part of the world i live. 



P.S.  Tombong and co' do not remind me of any grammar and spelling mistakes, i am trying to be better....hee...hee...hee. 

>From: Momodou Camara <[log in to unmask]>

>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Moving on ...... goodbye!
>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:48:48 +0200
>On 23 Oct 2001, at 4:28, TOMBONG SAIDY wrote:
> > Mr. Jaiteh,
> >
> > Did Jow resquested to be re-subscribed? or better yet did Makevelli
> > requested to be re-subscribed. He has been unjustly kept out of the list for
> > far too long and he needs to be re-subscribed. Whether it is a request from
> > him or not does not matter. All I know is that he is ready and willing to be
> > part the debate on the L.
> >
> >
> > Tombong
> >
>You can tell Matarr to come out of bush because he is already on
>the list. He only needs to change his alias to Matarr Njie. I had
>been in touch with Matarr on many occasions in trying to bring him
>back to the L and most of the time he only sends me copies of the
>mails he sends to subscribers with his usual insults. As Malanding
>have stated in his mail, the Gambia-L managers look forward to the
>subscription request from him.
>By the way, since when did anyone have the birth right to be on
>Why don't you as the director of the Gambia national Radio and
>Television Services do your job in serving the interest of the whole
>nation instead of just a chosen few? There are many questions out
>there in the Gambia-L archives for you from concerned citizens and
>it would be in the interest of the Gambian tax payers if you address
>those issues.
>Momodou Camara
>URL: http://home3.inet.tele.dk/mcamara
> http://www.gammbia.dk
>e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
>To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
>[log in to unmask]

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