Fellow Gambians ,I and many supporters of the UDP are very disappointed by
the early move of lawyer Darboe to gave out a press conference without a
breath of the issues that need to be look at , such as the reason of the
blackout while the votes are being count and the late reversing of the IEC
to allowed any one having a voters card to  vote even though there names
thosen't appeared in the register.How sure are they that the news paper
article of the 30,000 cassamace people didn't vote . It should be more
fitting and wait until monday than the very day , I belief PDOIS and NRP
have not concede yet. Lots has happend and few people lost their life only
to free the Gambia from a system of bad governance to a country of true
democracy. For my part , this is a miscalculated move to concede , Darboe
you earn my respect and admiration , I will always see you as a genuine
opposition party leader who forth a battle very difficult to conquire
Just a though.
Conteh Julla

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