Although I await word from the Opposition Parties on the ground, I frankly
CANNOT understand how on earth the Commonwealth Observers can commend the
IEC (Gabriel Roberts) for a ‘job well done’. ‘Well done’ for whom? Certainly
NOT the Gambian people in my opinion. At the eleventh hour, Gabriel Roberts
single-handedly connived with the Dictatorship to change our electoral laws
and in the process enabled thousands of foreigners to vote in Gambian
elections they were NOT supposed to participate in. How at the end of the
day the Observers reconciled their conclusions with Gabriel Roberts’ blatant
violations of pivotal electoral laws, is mind-boggling to me.

On all major controversies surrounding these elections (campaign air-time,
counting centers, registration of illegal voters, voter registration
challenges, and finally, eligibility to vote on election day) – on ALL these
decisive issues, Gabriel Roberts/IEC sided with the Dictatorship to
manipulate our laws to the Dictatorship’s advantage.

This just reinforces my long held view about election observers. Their
paramount objective is to avoid violence in the aftermath of elections.
These people are NOT primarily concerned about whether elections are FREE
and FAIR; as they want people to believe. Avoidance of violence and conduct
of a free and fair election are two objectives that do NOT always coincide.
Observers observe the dynamics in the country and endorse results that
safeguard ‘peace’ in their view. In the Gambian context, the conventional
wisdom is that if Yaya is defeated he would NOT relinquish power without a
bloody fight. So, why NOT eagerly endorse any results that will avoid Yaya’s

Until we hear from the leaders on the ground conceding defeat, we should NOT
do like the Commonwealth Observers and just sweep under the rug BLATANT
electoral malpractices that chanced in this election.

>From: TOMBONG SAIDY <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:24:28 -0500

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