How about this one from Beran whom i think non here will tell me is an
APRC stalwart. Don't the BBC and other media houses get their feed backs
from Beran et al.

This wasn't said by Tombong or Ms.joof!
Hopefully Beran's sources won't be disregarded as of now because of
reporting the facts and not the wishes?

I for one do not like war nor does anyone within and without The Gambia.
Samuel Doe's war was brought by an outsider(a then "exiled" Liberian).Are
things better of in Monrovia now? Is the incumbent Liberian head of state a
soldier or was he one? As far as we know he belongs to the economists that
were paraded thus was  seen as one of the best "hopes" for Liberia in the
early 90s.Please tell me the results from that economists like some of us

DRC's civil strife against Mobutu was brought in by an "exiled" congolese
Late Kabila.Are things better of now? Where is Kabila? He's been killed not
by Mobutu's "stooges".He was killed by his own folk.
Law and war cannot be good pairs so lets not imagine what is not realistic
only to satisfy our egos.
Today aren't we seeing Johnny Paul Koroma dine with Kabba and Jonnah etc?
Were they not received as the messiahs or  "solve-it-all" prophets when
Koroma was crowned a cannibal by the UN etc? We were even told that an
arrest warrant was once issued against Paul but how did it last? Nothing!
BBC messages and other media houses outside are usually received as biblical
stuff even by those that we hail as superimposed "intellectuals"! Whats
wrong with our independent analyses with objective reasons?
The sixth sense should be used when things become contrary to one's
wishes,at least.But no! ANything that has to do with the APRC is a taboo for
some.Any person who says something in favour of the APRC is a "vampire" a
"demon".I say no to that! We know each other back home some of us do not see
the possible avenue that others who take themselves as saints here can be
better than anybody. Be it by virtue of family values or intelligence! If we
put away fabricated personal attacks we candidly know each other.Even within
GambiaL we have relatives who are very close to each other.Should i even
hesitate to tell you that Karanglang or Gelajo Bah is my blood uncle and a
close relative! We argue openly on politics but back home if the family was
to meet i dare not argue with Karanglang on certain cultural issues.So
should we be taught discipline here by people who harbour nothing relating
to it.

I find it very hard to muster what some so-called doctors and barons vomit
for us here in the name of politics and concern! concern for who? Politics
for what?

The prophet says:"show your colours even if at the point of death" So i
could've remained silent on this forum for seven good years if no cynicism
was emerging-but my coffin besides me! when irony and subjectivity have to
rule! You say all that you want but being personal is the least i can take
now.The rules are there for the rude.
Please Mr.List manager i wouldn't mind being unsubscribed but the plain
facts have to be said and period!After all what is GambiaL?

"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."

>From: Beran jeng <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: FWD:Presidential Poll Ends Without Incident
>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 16:08:46 -0400
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>Presidential Poll Ends Without Incident
>October 18, 2001
>Posted to the web October 18, 2001
>Special Correspondent
>Washington, DC
>Contrary to widespread fears of violence and chaos, Gambia's crucial
>presidential poll proceeded and ended peacefully on Thursday. Reliable
>sources on the ground told that the voter turn-out was
>surprisingly good, voting proceeded peacefully and polling stations across
>the country closed at 1600hrs GMT.
>The run-up to Thursday's poll was marred by a spate of violent clashes
>between ruling party supporters and supporters of the three-party
>coalition led by Lawyer Ousainou Darboe. The worst clashes on Tuesday left
>at least one opposition supporter dead after security forces opened fire
>apparently in a bid to disperse rowdy crowds. The compound of the ruling
>party MP for Serekunda East constituency was burnt to the ground by angry
>youths, fueling fears that the actual polling day would see more violence.
>"We have had reports from our agents at polling stations across the country
>and we are very satisfied with the conduct of the polls," said Mr. Ebou
>Manneh, Senior Administrative Secretary for the coalition. "We are very
>happy and we are confident of victory. We are just waiting for the
>preliminary results," he said.
>A senior coalition member told that so far, they were "95
>percent satisfied with the conduct of the polls."
>"There have been a few hitches, but overall we are happy. We have conducted
>ourselves responsibly and there has not been a single incidence of
>violence," said Mr. Momodou Darboe.
>Both coalition members would not, however, rule out the possibility of
>future problems.
>Meanwhile, similar optimistic notes were sounded by President Jammeh's
>Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction. House Majority
>Tamsir Jallow told that his party's candidate was confident
>a landslide victory.
>"The voter turnout was very good across the country and everything went on
>very peacefully. We are very very confident of a landslide victory," said
>Jallow. He cited the fact that the first result that came in from
>Janjanbureh constituency in Central River Division indicated a victory for
>As at 1900hrs GMT, independent sources on the ground still maintained that
>the election was too close to call. Fears that the counting process or
>actual results would spark further controversy and possible violence were
>still valid, an observer told President Jammeh has however,
>been quoted as saying that he would concede defeat in the event that his
>opponent was declared the winner.
>Preliminary results were expected to start trickling in to national radio
>and television by nightfall Thursday.
>Several international observers including groups from the Commonwealth, the
>House of Commons, the United Nations, Transparency International, the BBC
>and AP, are in the country to monitor the polls.
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