First we thank you all for your patience. We promised that we will issue a
statement regarding the controversy that followed Mr Yusupha Jow's decision to
signoff. Mr Jow signed-off after our decision to set his account and that of Ms
Fatou Jahumpa Ceesay's to NOPOST, meaning they can receive mail but cannot post
to the List.

Several members were quick to express their displeasure about what they term as
the "managers being heavy-handed". Some demanded Yusupha's immediate re-
instatement as he has been one of the List's  most valuable members. This has
prompted one of the managers to re-subscribe Yusupha pending management
consultation. Yusupha's re-instatement has led to a number of people asking
that other de-listed members be re-subscribed.

Perhaps we should clarify that while many of us enjoy reading the contributions
of Yusupha and many others and do not want to see them go, we believe that the
future of Gambia-l as a forum is dependent on our ability to debate with
respect and dignity. We also believe that our failure to moderate debate will
seriously undermine our privileged relationship with St Johns University, who
are hosting the List.

After careful consideration  the majority of the list management came to the
conclusion that we should not be seen to be buckling under because of the
barrage of emails in support of one or an other de-listed member. The decision
to accept new subscription after October 20th, 2001 is still in place and all
new subscribers would be asked to prove that they are who they say they are.

We conclude our message by reminding everyone that Gambia-L is a forum of a
diverse population of Gambians and friends of Gambian; where one is free to
express his/her opinion. The privilege extended to you however, come with a
condition of decency, respect, and tolerance for one another.

Thanking you,
Gambia-L Management


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