Our Muslim leaders in the Gambia have the obligation to teach and preach
Islam. Teaching and preaching Islam is beyond our worldly politics. These
muslim leaders must not, under no circumstances, associate Islam with
politics when it comes to telling the truth. As the "Hadith" mentioned it;
if a Muslim who truly believes in God and the Day of judgement sees
something forbidden by Islam, happening, he should change it with his hand.
If he cannot change it with his hand, he should change it with his tongue by
speaking against it, if he cannot do that he should hate or detest it with
his heart, but, that is the weakest form of belief." Going by this, then one
may question the level of belief in our community, if our religious leaders
cannot speak openly in the name of Islam about a worst forbidden thing like
killing a human being for no islamic reasons, but only for politics. Islam
stands by the truth and truth only. For this reason why then that our
Islamic community and its leaders for that matter, are absolutely silent
about this new era of killings in our dear motherland. Speaking the truth is
a "JIHAD"; thus speaking against these ungodly killings and torture of
people in the Gambia is equally a "jihad" hence an obligation that our
religious leaders and every Muslim MUST fulfil. How many people have been
killed since 1994 to date, and how many more will become victims to these
political killings before the day God will come to our rescue?

Our religious leaders seem to turn a deaf ear and blind eye to this ungodly
and unfortunate situation facing Gambians. Interestingly enough they go on
describing Yahya Jammeh as God loving and God fearing when this guy stands
before the Gambian people and the whole world for that matter, and brags
about his power to kill and bury people six- feet deep. This is incredible!
How can anybody who fears God and the day of Judgment praise this man for
his so-called religious passion, much more to describe him as truthful and a
believer in God when he brags about killing people and burying them
underground? This is hypocrisy. Did Islam not teach us that even the era of
"jihad" of killing people to accept Islam has passed? So why should one
kills another person because he does not support your political ideologies.
Yahya Jammeh thinks he has the power. POWER! No, that truly belongs to God,
and God alone. Where and from whom does he have the right to kill people?.
No one person who belives in God and fears the Day of Judgement should
associate himself with anybody who belives in killing people, because this
person is not a muslim. For this reason our muslim leaders who fear God, and
not those who fear Yahya Jammeh, and not God should come out and tell
Gambians to reject Yahya Jammeh for his defiance to Islam. He MUST
understand that the Day of Judgemenet MUST come and there is severe
punishment awaiting him and his hench men if they in one way or the other
contributed to the torture of innocent Gambians and the death of those
killed in cold blood since they took over in 1994. He thinks he can fool
people. May be he can fool some people but not God. He can fool some people
sometime, but he cannot fool all the people all the time. Truth always
prevails over falsehood, and those who stand by the truth are with God. May
God guides us and make us fear nobody but Him alone. Long live the truth,
long live The Gambia.

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