Culled from the Observer/APRCserver


I beg your pardon for fowarding this garbage.


Tuesday, October 16, 2001

  Jammeh will win

The founder and President of African Hope International, Mr Charles Sam, has
in an interview with the Daily Observer said incumbent president, Dr Alhaji
A. J. J. Jammeh would win by a healthy majority the October 18 Presidential
election.” Mr Sam told our reporter that based on a careful assessment of
all the factors which determine the winner of a race, it had become evident
that President Jammeh would be the man to lead this nation for the next five
years. “The writing is very clear on the wall,” Mr Sam said

. He added that, in accordance with God’s time-table for this nation, it is
the second generation led by a young leader that should be in power. The
people of The Gambia found no hope in the first generation parties for
decades and it is not at this time that they would turn to them for hope.
How can parties which are themselves struggling for hope and life give the
people hope and a prosperous future?” he asked. “President Jammeh came to do
the job of the first generation leadership during his first 7 years and now
has to do the second generation’s actual work during his next five year

Mr Sam opined that the works and deeds of President Jammeh proved his
sincerity and determination with respect to the transformation and
development of the nation and the Gambian people love as well as appreciate
him. He further went on to say that President Jammeh worked from 9am to 7pm
and got back to work at about 11pm and stays till 5am.

He really wants to work with the Gambian people to make the Gambia a
paradise and the pride of Africa. “The opposition parties should understand
that certain dominant nations of the West are uncomfortable with President
Jammeh because he is working for peace, stability, development and unity in
Africa and not because of their cries to the West. President Jammeh has
succeeded in grouping 12 African heads of state at a meeting under his
chairmanship and Gambians should understand that the West doesn’t want this.

The West undermined the good effort of Dr Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and they
would want to destroy President Jammeh’s pan-Africanist efforts as well. I
am pleased to see President Jammeh have an expert foreign security advisor.
This is the wisdom Kwame Nkrumah did not grasp. The world is now ready to
work with and support The Gambia’s efforts because this nation has proven to
all that she is ready to work.

However, it is a known fact to all, including Western expatriates resident
in The Gambia and the international community that President Jammeh reversed
some of his decisions in wisdom and in the interest of his people who are
his security. The unpredictable President Jammeh can tomorrow morning
reverse his decision to expel Deputy British High Commissioner, Joshi, in
the interest of his people whom he loves so dearly, cherishes, is very
obsessed with and has a passion for.

He is the sort of man, who after a careful thought of the situation and its
implications for The Gambian people, would reverse his decision, and that is
the strength of a good leader. I am sure President Jammeh also appreciates a
recent statement by British Prime Minister Tony Blair at a congress that the
west has not been fair in it’s treatment of Africa. Mr Sam said President
Jammeh who is only human, should be accepted and supported by all Gambians
across the divide to take this nation into the promise of God. “Jammeh is
the hope of our time, he claimed”..

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