
Again I am forwarding the unedited opinion to the L, on behalf of an elated
source in The Gambia. Take note that I am sending my source's email as

Ebrima Ceesay


>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: "If I lose on 18th, I'll put on army uniform on 19th" says JAMMEH
>Date: Sat, 13 Oct
>Finally, Yahya has come to realize that he will lose on the 18th October.
>He said today and I quote "if I lose the 18th October presidential
>elections, I will put on my army uniform on the 19th October." His
>desperation is driving this man insane. He has lately resorted to
>threatening the electorate who are determined to send him packing on the
>18th October. Threats will NOT change voters' determination to elect
>Ousainou Darboe. As for Yahya, he can threaten all he wants; the Gambian
>electorate will NEVER AGAIN be intimidated by the goons that support this
>despotic regime.
>Meanwhile, President ousainou Darboe is busy campaigning to win the heart
>and minds of the voters.  He was supposed to have held his Soma Rally this
>afternoon but because he arrived late, the people of Soma insisted that he
>should stay over night so that the Rally could be held tomorrow in the
>bright sunshine so that Baabaa Jobe and his cronies will see the size of
>Ousainou's support in Soma and the LRD. In fact, Baabaa's thugs were trying
>to ambush Ousainou's convoy at Pakaliba but they were repelled by the
>Alliance supporters who easily outnumbered the thugs. They chased the
>bandits who managed to escape, including the chief thug, Baaba Jobe. He ran
>to the nearest police station to report that he was being chased, but was
>ignored by the police.  I think the police are also fed-up with the
>shenanigans of the 22 July thugs.  On another development, Ousainou Darboe
>has warned civil servants who are blatantly supporting the APRC to the
>extent of wearing "Asobis" that he wouldn't work with them should he be
>elected President.  He specifically mentioned The Gambia Ports Authority
>Management, the Management of SSHFC and GPTC. These folks know who they
>are; so let them consider this warning as notice to retire gracefully come
>19th October 2001. Ousainou's Government will not terminate civil servants'
>services willy nilly without due process.
>Ousainou's campaign has confirmed that the Gambian people have given notice
>to the APRC that they have had enough of their misrule.  Come Thursday,
>they will be voted out of office regardless of the number of threats from
>Yahya Jammeh and his gang of rogues.  He never thought that he could be so
>resoundingly repudiated by the electorate despite the financial inducements
>showered on them. As if he needed re-confirmation, Yahya went up the Kombos
>and found no one there to greet him. Coach, as you have clearly laid out in
>your messages to the Gambian people, we have suffered enough under the
>despotic rule of Yahya Jammeh and his cohorts.
>PS: Seedy Ahmed, myself and many others have started reproducing your 30th
>Message to the Gambian people. Distribution will start this evening

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