Woman, you know you're wrong for addressing EVERYONE on this List (including list managers) as "Liars". Yes, you wrote, " Hey You Liars," and
to say that I find such misdemeanor disconcerting is to put it mildly. This
by the way came after you wrote earlier to list managers: "In the meantime,
please continue to try to keep the list sane and FREE OF SLANDER and
MALICE if you can." (EMPHASIS all mine). This is hypocrisy at best. I hope
you don't take our list managers for granted like you tend to do with our
poor people who pay your salary month in month out. Anyhow, I'll leave that
challenge up to our competent list managers, but as far as i'm concerned,
this kahuna owes an apology to ALL list members.
                                                 No " Liar",
                                                 Simply Mr Makaveli!

PS: BTW, I suppose we should take it that Tombong is now the "disposable
douche" and you are the HNIC. I agreed that he failed miserably but atleast
the poor smug never called anyone let alone addressed the entire G_L
"Liars". You're kicking off on a wrong foot, so watch it, Fuga Jaaie &
Co(FJC or whatever). Just remember that if you practice throwing the
discus alone, you may have to get it yourself alone, sooner than later.

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