Hello Friends:

This is a follow-up for the meeting with Hon. Jackson McDonald, U.S. Ambassador Designate to Gambia. He is available to meet with the Gambian community either on Thursday, October 11, or Friday October 12, 2001. The location of the meeting depends on the size of the delegation. If the meeting is to be held at the State Department, I will need the names of all interested individuals not later than Tuesday, October 2nd. Meeting at the State Department will require submitting personal information such as social security number, date of birth etc.  For those of you who have already submitted you names, you need not reconfirm your participation unless there is a conflict of schedule. I will contact you if additional information is needed.

For all interested, I will need your urgent cooperation as soon as possible. The State Department is very flexible regarding the time of the meeting and I need some suggestions from those planning to attend regarding a time for the meeting. This meeting is open to all political parties and Hon. McDonald will carefully listen to your concerns on all issues. My private email is [log in to unmask] and my work number is (202) 333-5270.  Till then,  KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

James, Jr.


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