Hamjatta, first of all let me just again ask you to ignore the nonentities
in this forum that are so filled with inferiority complex that they CANNOT
stand you mastery of the English language. They are just fixated at that. Do
NOT by any means let the mental midgets dumb down your rhetoric. You are a
gifted young man. Use the gift God gave you to the max. As far as these
morons (Malik Kah and Ms. Joh) are concerned, I would humbly advise you to
take them on when they start UNDERSTANDING the agenda of their Party (PDOIS)
and ARTICULATING such in coherent English (the medium of discourse on G_L
and our official language). Until then, don’t waste time with them. You are
NOT running for anything and I know that you are comfortable with yourself
enough NOT to be bothered by their irrational rattling.

As far as Ms. Joh is concerned, I hereby serve you a final warning. I
thought you were smart enough that this will NOT be necessary. Guess I
over-estimated your intelligence. As you should know by now, I do NOT take
prisoners. Whatever you rely on, be rest assured that I am relying on
something stronger. Let’s let sleeping dogs lie. Not even Halifa Sallah is a
target for me, let alone nonentities like you and Malik Kah. Don’t destroy
yourselves. I have plenty to do with Yaya.

>From: Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Attention Kebba Dapha/Hamjatta
>Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 18:01:59 EDT
>I was in a hurry before, but i will now respond to your post that is rife
>with cliches all expressing your shortsightedness as usual.
>Before I begin, no doubt Dampha will continue to be a paper tiger behind
>mask, and that is as expected.
>You as the decoy to continue the quest of evading the issue and focusing on
>your favourite passtime, displaying your hatred for PDOIS and your baseless
>allegations designed  to malign anyone unless they have the same view
>continues. I did not see any response from you regarding my post on the
>allinace when it was directed at PDOIS and NCP because i mistakenly thought
>the ywere the ones dragging their feet on the alliance. No surprise there.
>Now, regarding whether Malick Kah attacked you or not, that is not my point
>here at all. You better take that up with him. My point, which you missed,
>was pertaining to the issue of spitting out venom about asylum, and how
>is not consistent with someone who says they defend a position that is
>towards providing Gambians with certain rights. The other point here is
>both you and Dampha use all these cheap shots to personally attack whenever
>you cannot argue on the issues at hand, just like you are doing now.Is it
>really any concern of your Hamjatta whether Malick Kah applied for asylum
>how he applied for it? Are you really that hateful and petty to focus on
>a thing? What will that do for you? Convince us that you are a fine young
>who wants the best for all of his compatriots?
>Regarding my "about face" which you said is due to Halifa rebuking me, I
>think that is a cheap shot and even you know that this is a bunch of
>nonsense. It goes hand in hand with your allegation that I have always been
>slipshod on the positions I hold here on the L.  That one goes hand in hand
>with some strange allegations that i have alswys been pro Jammeh.
>Now Hamjatta, if that is your way of trying to make me feel insecure about
>the positions I have taken regarding this coalition, or my leanings towards
>PDOIS, then nice try. Perhaps this would work on someone who is less sure
>I was going to ask why you would be so concerned about my political
>affiliations to the point of raising the issue in response to a matter that
>did not even involve you, but one does not have to look too closely to know
>that it is your very obviously deep seated hatred for PDOIS and your
>continuous attempt to smear and discredit them at every chance. This has
>become a strange pre-occupation for you, and i wonder what it is you are
>afraid of.
>Could it be that my declared leanings towards PDOIS is seen as by you as a
>personal failure in your endless quest to discredit this party? Well,
>political affilaitions I choose do not concern you, nor do i owe you or
>anyone else any explanations on that. To you yours, and to me mine.
>  However, I will make your day even more pleasant by telling you that I
>long been quite interested and imrpressed with both the agenda of PDOIS, as
>with the people who make up this organization.I sealed that decision when
>became clear that a flip of the same coin was being pedalled as something
>Yes, consider this one a failure to buy into your campaign to discredit
>PDOIS, and i think that so long as common sense prevails, here's to many
>sharing the same sentiment.
>Now, do yourself a favour and stop using Mother Theresa as a profanity, it
>only goes to display your disdain for all that is sincere.
>Now, you do me a favour by  please going back to perusing the trextbooks to
>collect quotations and big words to use in your next tretise to impress all
>of us.
>Jabou Joh
>In a message dated 9/10/01 9:20:52 AM Central Daylight Time,
> > [log in to unmask] writes:
> >
> > >> Jabou,
> >>
> >> Your slipshod, self-righteous moralising and your double standards of
> >> is
> >> simply depressing beyond words. I mean it escaped your attention that
> >> Malick
> >> Kah - since he surfaced on this List - has engaged in all sorts of
> >> and
> >> vicious attacks on me, Mr Darbo and OJ [calling them thieves without
> >> shred of evidence], without cutting the crap. So it is OK for Malick
>Kah to
> >> personally assault us but when we attempt to reveal his phoniness, it
> >> becomes
> >> a different ball game??!! If this is not double standards, i wonder
> >> one
> >> would call it. Just because the pipsqueak happens to be a PDOIS
> >> his fraudulent past shouldn't be paraded on Gambia-L; when we do it, we
> >> trying to silence the programmed fanatic??!! Did Malick Kah challenge
> >> Dampha
> >> on his claims that he [Kah] applied fraudulently for asylum in the UK?
> >> publicly challenge Malick Kah to refute these claims. Then i'll
> >> come after the fraudster; when i'm done with him, he won't have a
> >> reputation
> >> left to defend!
> >>
> >> Jabou, you need to stop acting like some overworked Mother Teresa and
> >> us all a well-deserved break. You are entitled to the views you peddle
> >> here;
> >> just as we are entitled to helping the Alliance with ideas and tactics
> >> win
> >> the elections. You can't keep mounting the pulpit here and outrageously
> >> serving sermon on stuff that makes things go haywire. So Halifa
> >> rebukes on Gambia-L; you did some 360 degrees turnaround and you start
> >> behaving erratically - no big deal there, if you ask me. Merely shows
> >> much of a softie you are in your convictions and how slipshod you've
> >> been on the positions you've staked out on this List. By all means, be
> >> "critical", "independent-minded" and or play to the gallery of anti-
> >> sentiments by whimsically attacking the Alliance. But for Goodness
> >> and
> >> indeed for own sake, don't imagine that we all want to be rooted in
> >> yesterday
> >> or get stuck in a some time warp. Your attitude of late is simply
> >> depressing
> >> beyond words!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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