<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

HI List.  Valerie's story about lowering her cholesterol and the
reasons it happened is right on.

I have a book called "The Liver Cleansing Diet" that I use and use to
counsel my clients in my holistic health practice.  It is written by
Sandra Cabot, MD.  She is an Australian doctor who developed this way
of eating to help numerous health issues in her patients.  It is a
very, very easy read.  She also has a website:    www.liverdoctor.com

Whenever there is an immune challenge, the liver has to work
overtime.  It is a major organ of detoxification.

What Valerie did was to change her diet to the foods that help the
liver to function properly (liver-friendly foods).  Dr. Cabot outlines
this in her simple book.   Carrots and beets are two simple foods that
can help.  I juice them.  She also has a recipe in her book for what
she calls--LSA (linseed, sunflower, almonds)  It is a mixture of
ground nuts (high essential fatty acids) that she advises people to
sprinkle on their foods daily.  I know some of you do this anyway.
Excerpt from her book:

"when I first designed the liver cleansing diet several years ago with
the aim of helping those with stubborn weight problems or liver
damming, Idid not realize that I would observe its powerful healing
and balancing effects in many other seemingly unrelated health
problems.  On many occasions I have been amazed to watch this diet,
over a period of four to twelve weeks, overcome problems that in the
past I may have felt obligated in the first instance to treat with
drugs.  In many patients drugs can be avoided through the use of this
diet, although in some acute problems drug therapy will be necessary
and the diet can be used simultaneously."

I highly recommend the book.  It has helped me and many, many others.
It is an easy, popular book to find---Barnes and Noble any other book
stores carry it.  She has a companion cookbook, also.

If we can assist our livers to function better--our whole bodies do.

An anecdote:  I gave this book to a fellow practitioner---they gave it
to a client.  After 6 months, he had not returned the book.  She
called him--and he apologized for not returning it.  He said--this
book has cost me $120!   She asked him why and he said--it worked so
well, I gave a copy to just about everyone I know!

Blessings and better health to all!   Lorri in Colorado