
Wow, thanks so much for all that terrific info. I'm printing it all up for
her, and I'm sure it will be very helpful. Back to the red meat issue-- the
only thing she's done with beef is to make bone marrow soup for me
(considered very building in Chinese medicine). But then we switched to
chicken because we can get grass-fed chicken but not beef, without paying a
fortune to mail order.

What's your opinion on the importance of getting grass-fed meats? I know
that the fat profile of commercial meats is skewed, and that seems an
important factor. But I'm wondering whether the advantages of meats outweigh
the disadvantages of commercial meats, if organic/grass-fed meats aren't

Also with fish, it seems that most of the available fresh fish is farmed,
with the wild Alaskan salmon being available only for a few months a year.
