On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 07:28:17 EDT Sheryl Canter <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> <<I think .... the statement that nature intended us to die young is
> false.>>
> Well, not "us", in general, but women.  I made that statement after
> reading a Web site sponsored by a manufacturer of estrogen replacement
> therapy.

Ardeith writes:
Now you're getting the picture......follow the money.
Whenever you run into something that takes a naturally
occurring event and turns it into a disease......follow
the money.

For instance.....we evolved in family/clan settings.
Every family had grand-parents and/or elder aunties
or uncles living at the family hearth.......there was
no such thing as this modern parents and kiddies
only housing.   But follow the money.   If you can
convince children that they need to grow up and have
houses of their own, you can sell twice as many cook-
stoves, fridges, sofas, diningroom sets.......houses.

Situations like "The Waltons" were the norm for most
of our evolution.........but today we see it as unusual.

Sheryl wrote:
 I've since read information on other sites saying that (1) estrogen does

> NOT protect against heart disease as previously thought, and (2) the
> relationship between menopause and osteoporosis has been greatly
exaggerated by
> the drug industry (the ones making the hormone replacement pills).
> and good nutrition has a greater protective effect on women's bones
> estrogen. Vaginal atrophy can be treated with a topical cream.

Ardeith writes:
Some women have such miserable effects from menopause
that the only relief they can find is HRT.......but for most
healthy women, it is unnecessary......not to mention dangerous.
HRT can make you more susceptible to breast cancer.....
according to my doctor.  He insisted I had to have regular
mammograms if I wanted to be on HRT........since I didn't
want to risk breast-cancer, I chose not to use HRT......
but for some women, HRT saves their sanity.............

But always follow the money.   Why should the FDA
recommend we use so much wheat or other grains?
Because big industries need to sell so much product
containing wheat or other grains......not because it's
good for us..................................

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