On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 11:28:41 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>

>But these are real adaptations.  If one's gluconeogenesis output
>is inadequate, then during a meat-only period one would likely

I agree that there might be animals or human traits with limitations on ones
gluconeogenesis output or excreting capacity. And as far as these
limitations would be genetically determined, these traits would have been
"wiped out" during the meat only winters for the northern people.
As whites will share a good deal of these european h/g genes it's unlikely
that whites will encounter a genetic inability to cope with a heavy meat
Heavy meat was not a new ability in humans to evolve in this short time of
only 30,000 years, but disabling mutations would have been wiped out.

There's another deviation from the genetic adapted nutrition program -
ingestion of pure carbohydrates like sugar and white flour.
This is usual since at most 100 years and there's no chance of any genetic
adaption like the synthetisation of thiamin or b-complex vitamins like
yeasts do, in this short time. It may be that even the coenzyme
synthetisation capacity (of CoQ10 and a-Lipoic acid) is too limited for

The wipe out of some of the us unadapted populations is exactely what
happened when thousands of victims got beri-beri when white rice was
introduced by the colonial masters. I think this issue has been covered only
in the most urgent part by enforcement with a thiamin variant, not more as
to prevent death and disease.

I also think that the ordinary western meat eater (of 2-300g meat per day)
in in particular danger to be striked from such deficits.
Because these 90% population is in no danger of protein defficiency, but in
strong energy, particularly carbohydrate demand. Sugarous and extracted
carbohydrate sources would be the "ideal" compound for them.
The cunsume then leads to inabilities in carbohydtate metabolism
- diabetes etc..
Paleo eaters are saved because 1. they are to avoid any extractions and 2.
the meat and fat nutrition can make these energy from carbs unnecessary.

>> A real adaption pressure would be the *dependance* on several items, like
>> Vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin E.
>The adrenals of a hunted animal are a good source of vitamin C.
>The testicles are a source of vitamin E.  Liver has a supply of
>folic acid, or its usable metabolites.  100g of turkey liver
>contains 738 mcg of "dietary folate equivalent." These nutrients
>would not be a problem on a northern diet.

You point out these parts of animals which do have the necessary.
However the adrenals and testicles are small, compared to the whole animal.
It could be that there aren't enough walrus or wild horses available to
satisfy the demand in minimum or even optimum of vitamin C or E with only
the adrenals.
I read that inuit live with a mere 13mg  vitamin C per day.
They managed to select the right food in the right proportion to survive.
Liver I think they mostly rule out, beeing suspect to parasite infections
and hypervitaminose A.
They managed to do survive, and we are still here too.

Amadeus S.