On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 13:03:55 -0600, Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>..  I *am*, however, dead set against the US onslaught
>of sugar and starch-loaded foods and the incorrect assumption that all
>are good and all fats are bad ...

Of course, these are the ones devoid of vitamins coenczymes if wrote about.
Personally I get a great deal of my calories from (not slaughter) fats.

>And you CAN avoid carbohydrates, by the way.  It's been done.  See Todd's
>response for more (and better) details.  500 calories worth of carbs?  For
>more than 3 years, I've been eating a mere fraction of that amount per day
>and I'm doing just fine.

So, if you're falling into ketosis you can push the minimum down by some
60% as Todd mentioned. But never avoid.

>If you're looking to avoid gluconeogenisis
>(glucose from protein), avoid excess carbs AND protein in your diet; eat
>lots of fat.
If shorter that the minimum (half of 500kcal) your body will be digesting
protein. If you don't eat it, it will digest your own tissues.

>Just did a story on this.  Contact me, listers, if you'd like
>a copy.

Could you post this? If too long for posting I'd request a copy.

>People crave carbs for a variety of reasons, everything from the taste to
>such documented components as opioids found in several grains.

The opioid reasoning has been a mere theoretical as far as I'm aware of.
At last it's only told from gluten, not from sugar, not from potatoes.
I'm shure anyone's body will show the strongest will and tricks just to
ensure the energy supply of the brain.
Otherwise it will die within minutes (that's hypoglycemia)

> What do you
>do when your body craves something it can't or shouldn't handle?  Stop
>eating it.

Give it something it can handle.
You bet on fat, protein and vitaminous carbs.
I bet on vitaminous carbs, fat (and protein I prefer to grow).

> I haven't eaten for 6 hours.
>Would this work for you?  Probably not.

6 hours? That's long. Much better than tea time with candy, really.

For me to compare:
After lunch, which is usually a big salad with oil and often quite low-carb,
I begin to snack (on sunflowers or nuts) after about 5, 4 hours later.
I try to create a big low-insulin gap after breakfast for eicosanoid/Sears

After dinner and 8-10 hours overnight fast I awake not hungry for breakfast.


Amadeus S.