Hi -

In our house, some brands we like are:

Hebrew National deli meats and hot dogs
All brands of calcium-enriched OJ (which is surprisingly good over cereal)
store brands of instant oatmeal
Kellogs (many items --- they usually mark allergens very clearly) and
especially their fruit-flavored Pop Tarts
Fleischmann's unsalted margerine (the kind WITH salt has casein)
Farm Rich non-dairy creamer
Junior Mints
GNC brand cherry flavored chewable calcium tablets
Arnolds Stoneground whole wheat bread (but not their other flavors)
sourdough bread, most brands

My web page lists other brands, along with all kinds of practical
advice.  You may find it helpful for everyday kinds of things.

I hope this helps!
--Beth Kevles
  [log in to unmask]
  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic
  Disclaimer:  Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
  advice.  Please consult with your own medical practicioner.