
Divisive political confrontation between supporters of parties that are
trying to unseat the APRC government have seemingly reared their ugly heads
among us. And as the battle draws closer we're bound to see more heated
debates within the Opposition unless the various parties and their members
become more tolerant to their differences.

According to press reports in The Gambia, the NRP and NCP are already
contemplating another coalition, much to the surprise of those who believed
that the former had joined the UPD/PPP coalition some days ago.  We
certainly need more factual communication from the political parties
concerned in order to disple rumors and put an end to the infinite bickering
within opposition ranks.

It is now clear that by insisting on an opposition coalition, we are
otherwise telling President Jammeh that none of the parties can single
handedly defeat him at the elections, despite his poor human rights record
and lack of transparency. He knows this and he will use his vantage point to
fight off his opponents.

Unless the Opposition put their differences aside and work selflessly
towards our national interest, President Jammeh's APRC will emerge with a
whopping victory in October.  I suggest that the Opposition also look at
gaining a majority in the National Assembly in the next parliamentary
elections.  That way, they could paralyse the APRC government even if Mr.
Jammeh were to win the forthcoming presidential elections.

This can hardly be achieved without the education of the Gambian voter. I'm
afraid that the ignorance and poverty of the Gambian electorate is going to
be exploited by some unscrupulous politicians just to advance their own
personal agendas in the guise of national interest.


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