<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I sent this last week with the other parts but it has been rejected so I
have to break it up in more parts

I just want to thank everyone for replying.  I went right to a specialist
and found out that I was only breathing 50% of my capacity.  He told me I
have asthma and put me on meds.  I seem to have a pollop in my left nostral.
Also got my thyroid tested as most of you suggested.  Waiting for results.
I put the responses that I received below.

Thanks Again and God Bless,

*******Heather, At first glance, this sounds like some not very nice thyroid
symptoms, the kind you need to do something about.  But while you look into
that, try out the salts tests I;ll send, they are reall quick in effect.

>my whole body will tremble.  COULD be from salt or Mg or calcium
>deficiency, though thyroid can do it too.
>feels like there is a lump in my throat on the left side.

I think I got my own thyroid acting up a month or so ago, and it felt like a
lump in the throat restricting my breathing.  I came across some info on
reversible goiters caused by too much iodine, and cut WAY back on the amount
of iodine I was taking.  After all, I started out with a long term
deficiency, it makes sense I might not need that much all the time.  The
swelling went down, and I waited over a month before the breast pain
returned, (I'm taking it for fibrocystic breasts, though having warm feet
all winter for once was a nice side effect) , and then I only took a drop a
day for 3 days till it went away again.  I'd been taking 3 drops 2-3 times a

>It seems like I can't get enough sleep.  Very tired.  I will wake up at 5
am and want to go back to bed at 9am.  Today it feels more like a panic
attack.  I got the lump and feel light headed.

You could have some very serious thryoid stuff going on here, a nodule or
something, and very low function.  I don't really like to give anything like
"medical advice" when something so serious could be going on, but let me at
least tell you some things I have heard from people I meet and know about

1)  What doctors do to thyroids, it's permanent.  If they kill off your
thyroid with radioative iodine, you will be on Synthroid for life.  You
should look into the problem via a medical check ASAP while doing every
alternative thing you can ASAP.

2)  Most doctors do the wrong test.  A friend who was sleeping 20 hours a
day was told by a GP that her thyroid was fine.  She went to a specialist
who told her that her thyroid was working at under 1% capacity.  She told
him about the first doctor, and he told her they ALL do the wrong tests.
She had some kind of nodules or cold cysts (I forget the exact term) and
they were making surgery noises.  In terror she asked a friend for help, the
friend was taking a homeopathy class and the teacher agreed to do the
diagnosis if the student woudl do the 2 hour interview and questionnaire.
The remedy produced spectacular (if temporarily bizarre) results, with my
friend better the next day and needing an hour or two less sleep each day
till she was normal again.

4) There is a condition called toxic goiter that has to do with the liver
not breaking down the thyroxin properly, or so it seems, but back in the
40's iodine was found to stop this.  It has to be iodine, not iodide.  You
can get this from Atomadine or from kelp.  Atomadine has a reputation for
normalizing thyroid function.  It helped my husband who had had years of
hyperthyroid symptoms, he only took it for about 6 months and has never had
as much trouble since.  I think there is some kind of problem with iodine
among celiacs, though I can't figure out exactly what.  I know far too many
celiacs with the achy breasts, and some with some very strange lymphatic
problems (the breasts are lymphatic tissue, and some women have said their
breasts will leak fluid if they eat wheat)  Bugleweed is another one with a
reputation for helping with hyperthyroidism, I'd be willing to bet money it
contains iodine.  I myself took black walnut hull powder for several years
for "candida" only to discover that BW is high in iodine, which I probably
needed desperately, and my candida was probably just celiac all along.

    Now that I have said all that, consider that you could be getting hidden
gluten, and that your reactions have gotten much stronger.  I too quit
gluten last Oct, and I have been surprised to find that some small exposures
had me feeling very strange and almost panicky.  I have found that salt
always helps at these times, probably the adrenals just freaked out and let
my blood sugar sodium levels plummet in response.  I had a friend years ago
who after quitting gluten (she had classic Celiac, and lots of bone loss)
began getting blisters on her hands from simply  handling bread in her job
as a cook.  As for the throat trouble, gluten can cause scarring of the
throat.  Me, my father, and my anemic cousin with the migraines, all got to
where we cant' swallow pills.  it doesnt hurt to keep an open mind to many
possibilities as to what is happening.   Donna H

******I don't know- but muscle twitches is one of my gluten symptoms.
Perhaps it's a sign of accidental ingestion?? Some people seem more
sensitive to small doses after going gluten free.

Mary Thorpe

**********Hi Heather,
I'm behind on my listserve e-mails, so I just got your
message. I'm curious as to what you found out because
I, too, have developed lumps in my throat after 9
months of being gluten-free. I'm nervous about it but
am so sick of going to the doctor, I haven't checked
into it. I get lightheaded and dizzy sometimes still



I know exactly what you are talking about.  I, too, have experienced the
lump in my throat, kind of like after you have had a good cry.  I went to an
ear, nose the throat specialist and after 3 visits and all kinds of
prescriptions and treatments, it still was there.  Sometimes it can be from
anxiety (at least that's what I was told).

My lump went away for a while, but I notice that when I accidentally ingest
gluten, it comes back for 4-5 days.  I have read on the listserve a while
back of another woman who had the same experience.  Guess it's just another
symptom of CD that not everyone gets.  It's a good indicator to me of when I
ingest something that's not GF.  If I get too much gluten - then it's the

Ingesting gluten also makes me very fatigued, I get brain fog, the lump in
the throat, diahrea, and a lightheaded/equilibrium problem.  Guess that's
just my body's way of telling me it's not liking the gluten.

Hope things improve.  Since the lump in the throat can be other things,
please check with your doctor.  If they can't find the cause, then maybe
it's like the gluten reaction I get.

Keep smiling -

Celeste in Chicago