<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My husband and I were in Milwaukee all last week for some extended medical
testing on myself. We had the opportunity to visit the Gluten Free Trading
Company. It was such a treat to walk in and know that everything was gluten

We found a barbeque sauce which is made locally in Milwaukee called Saz's.
Last night, we tried it and all I can say is oh wow!!!! Great...  I feel
strongly about sending away for it because they are the only mainstream item
which lists ingredients and then distinguishes it as gluten free. For
example, vinegar was an ingredient which immediately had gluten free in
paranthesis after it as well as modified food starch with gluten free
immediately following. If you ask me, that is a very conscientious company
who cares about the health of the people consuming it. My sister, who lives
in NW Milwaukee said that Saz's is sold at Pick and Save Stores, etc and used
in local restaurants. So, just think, one company sells their barbeque sauce
to grocer retailers, and local restaurants. Yet, it is comfortably sold at
the Gluten Free trading post as well. I say hats off to a company who goes
the extra mile to puts a gluten free status on their labeling next to
questionable ingredients. They will get my purchase as I plan to get a

For us Celiacs, seeing a gluten free label where the product will go into
traditional areas is very comforting and outright considerate from the
manufacturers standpoint.
