<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All--

Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my
question about why I continue to suffer bloating and
discomfort when consuming gf bread. Several wrote to
express similar situations, so here is what "the
experts" had to say:

- Try eating a paleolithic diet: veggies, meat, fish,
eggs, nuts, seeds, berries, fruit, etc. (no chemicals;
organic as much as possible. See the web sites:

- Alternative grains are drying to the GI tract and
can cause bloating.

- Eliminate all corn derived products (surprise to me
that xanthan gum is derived from corn!)

- Eggs could be a problem.

- Don't eat carbs and protein together; can eat meat
and a veggie, then eat a potato or yam later; eat more
chicken, fresh fish and fruit.

- Might have a yeast overgrowth.

- 2 people suggested trying Ener-G's Tapioca Bread to
avoid rice.

- Read "Breaking the Vicious Cycle," by Elaine
Gottschall; good for those who don't tolerate

- Be sure Better Than Milk is gf (it is); try using
Vance's DariFree, White Wave Soy Milk, soy powder.

- 3 people suggested a rice sensitivity.

- Sensitivity to carbs.

- Allergy/intolerance to rice and/or grains.

- Sensitivity to tapioca; try Cybros Rice Bread

- Try the SC Diet (not sure what that diet is, so
could someone enlighten me?)

- Go to: http://forums.delphi.com/celiac/messages;
people there can help answer questions and can find
lots of gf recipes.

- Try substituting each ingredient in the bread.

As incredibly helpful as everyone's suggestions were,
I'm having a difficult time feeling "energized" by
finding a possible solution, and a bit discouraged
that the problem could be so many different things. I
feel so fatigued and have so much muscle and joint
pain that it's difficult to go through a myriad of
trials. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for
everyone on this list and for everyone's unselfish

Obviously, I need to approach the problem
systematically so that I don't get confused or
overwhelmed. My first thought is to read, "Breaking
the Vicious Cycle" and avoid all grains for a while.

Thanks, again, to everyone!
