<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Update:  Sorry it took so long to post this summary.  I have researched
rosacea and I think that is what it is.  A friend of mine gave me some
seaweed soap to use to cleanse my face.  It does seem to sooth.  After
hearing the response from everyone on the list, I am paying attention to
what I eat that brings this on.

Thank You and God Bless,


my question was:

I had a reaction last week and I am noticing that my face breaks out with
pimples mostly on my chin,cheeks and back of my neck. The pimples are very
small and red. My chin itches also.  Does anyone out there have this happen
to them?

Thank You

Replies As follows:


Yep,,,,,, about a week after an accidental ingestion my skin breaks out
bigtime. It's like the body is trying to push the toxins out any way it can.

Antony T. Heisler
North Vancouver, BC


It happens to me and I'm 50! Every time I have a gluten accident!

Diana in RI


It sounds like Rosacea - I have it too.  You can take an antibiotic
for it called Minocycline, and use topical Retin-A.  You should see a
dermatologist.  I recently read in "Living Without" (not sure what
issue) that Rosacea is common with people that have food allergies.
Hope that helps.  You might also have small veins on your cheek bones
that are now constantly there.


Heather, I do break out in response to all beans and nuts, especially soy.

What you're describing sounds more like eczema or dermatitis, though. In
both cases thay would be very small, red and without whiteheads typical
to acne. ***Hi Heather,

I break out in the same places you mentioned if I eat any dairy.  One
creamer in my coffee, one zit.  Dairy also makes the start of my menstral
cycle very painful. I think it is the casein, it is very similar to gluten
in structure.

Nancy Mitchell
[log in to unmask] - email
(617) 598-1046 x4275 - voicemail/fax


All the time! :(

Mel ***It could be an allergy to some food.  Celiacs are allergic to
most anything.

Some of the foods are soy and soy products, lactose and milk products, corn,
yeast, mushroons, etc.

If not this, then maybe you have DH.

See your doctor.               Mitzi in Michigan


I had similar pimples that were not acne, but were caused by casein.  I
had been GF for several years and learned this by trial and error.  I
have since cut out all diary products.  Interestingly, casein is
reported to have a molecular structure that is similar to gliadin.


Dear List Member,

Yes! Yes! Yes!

If I eat gluten I get a red bumps around my hair area, all around my face,
my ears and the back of my neck.

Dairy products give me painful pus filled acne.  I haven't touched dairy in

I finally said no more a few years ago when I came down with over 30 boils
at one time.

I don't do gluten or dairy anymore.

Look for hidden gluten in vitamins, over-the-counter drugs.  Benedryl is one
that it took me awhile but that was my last hidden gluten.  For some reason
other celiac/gluten sensitive people are taken it?????

Also find out all those modified starches and any unknown and doubtable
ingredients and stop them.

I use powder clay mixed with a bit a water and put on the bump/acne and let
it set overnight, Also dabbing with some essential oil, Tea Tree works well,
to dry up the bump quick, use a Q-tip to apply onto the boo-boo only.  Tea
Tree will dry up what ever part of your skin you use it on.

Robin in Florida


See: http://www.gluten-free.org/hoggan/acne.txt




I break out with hives on my chin and checks for, it seems, no reason.
They are very itchy.  Please summarize your e-mails.  THANKS.

Carol ***Sounds like Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) what I call the outer
intolerance to gluten.  Do you have them on your elbows?  Does you head
itch?  Other places that I experience breakouts it knees, high on the
back of my legs and hands.

Jan Justice
CLCS, Admin Support
Mail Code:  YA-E1
861-7275 - Office
431-4924 - Cell
861-7470 - Fax


I have the same problem.  If I eat wheat (accidentally) I get red
pimple-like welts on my neck and back.  Some are small and some are
larger. They are itchy and take a long time to go away.  I'm beginning
to think that this isn't acne, but maybe DH.

I just don't know.

Hope this helps,


if you happen to ever need an acne facial cleanser, the proactive
line does work and it is gluten free. it just can not be used during
pregnancy for safety sake. it works great on people who do not break out
either. it smells nice too. i have had acne since i was 8! it stinks, i
tried this product last summer, and so far, i am 33 now, i am free of
any breakouts- even on the body. i think i have tried just about
everything and just went for it after seeing the informerical so many
times. they showed it on qvc, who i trust and thought i had nothing to lose.

so.. if you start to have problems, which can happen at any age, even if it
could be gluten contamination related, which i have heard does happen, this
product is gf and works for most people. even with the rosy problem-
they sell it on qvc and online at qvc for much cheaper than any other
source, plus you can send it back for a refund if you do not like it !:)
sorry for the ad, but if you ever need to know of a good product, this might
be it for you.

i notice hormones effect me tremendously like most women, and if i eat out,
i do break out, so i assume it is from tiny contamination, otherwise i am
processed food free at home! after my pregnancy i also broke out worse than
before, and age can do it to a lot of people. adult onset acne is a bigger
problem nowadays than ever before, but i have had it since i had boobs....
such luck. (no one else in my family had acne or big boobs, but somehow i
"lucked" out! - i am the only one to have tested for celiac as well, except
for my 4 yr old who does have it. don't i just love it?)
