<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank-you to everybody who replied to my question
regarding the gf status of Absolute Vodka yesterday.

I received a number of good, informative (supported)

"the position of CSA has been that all distilled
vinegar and alcohol from grain are not GF, though no
chemists, celiac experts nor scientists have agreed
with them.  But even CSA has recently modified their
archaic stance and say that...they're ok for those who
are stabilized (on a GF diet)...mostly everyone does
agree that distilled alcohol, if no gluten is added
later for taste is GF."

Absoltue is distilled from grains, not potatoes,
therefore if grain alcohols bother you stick to 100%
potatoe vodkas, but if they don't than you can drink
most of the hard liquors.

Vodka is pure distillate according to ATF (?)
regulations and definitions.  The proof at which vodka
is distilled would eliminate any grain protein from
crossing into the distillate.  Regular vodka can't
have anything added after distillation.

(From the person who told the original poster that
Absolute is not GF)
Absolut tells that it is made from winter wheat in

The other responses to my post were basically
variations of 1, 2, and 3.

As for poster #4, I assume that his reason for
claiming Absolute to not be GF is cancelled out by the
other responses ie.  even though absolute is made from
wheat, since it is distilled, all of the wheat protein
is eliminated during the distillation process.

Therefore, unless anything is added after the
distillation process, it too is GF.

I found this information very helpful.  I recognize
that many people will choose to only drink 100% potato
vodka.  Personally, since I have never had any
problems with any of the vodka's I've had in bars, nor
with Absolute vodka, I am going to go with my original
inclination and continue to consider vodka a "safe"
alcoholic choice.

Thanks again to all who responded.  For those who
asked me to summarize, if you need clarification feel
free to ask me!
