<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I sent two postings about two weeks ago asking about a possible
relationship between eye problems (redness, puffed eyelids, pain) and
coffee and/or cd.  I got about 21 responses.  I'm taking this opportunity
to thank each one of you who responded.  You all are magnificent!!

You may be interested in knowing what has happened since my last posting.

After initial consultations with an optometrist with excellent reputation,
I consulted an ophthalmologist for a second opinion.  I was lucky to be
able to see him right away on an emergency basis without being an
established patient.  He examined my eye, and almost immediately found an
eyelash embedded in the lower lid or lower part of the eye.  He removed it.
 The relief was almost instaneous.  He gave me soothing Pred-Forte
eyedrops to take for five days.  So, this problem with my eye was not
related to cd nor coffee.  I plan to resume drinking coffee next week.  I
am relieved!

However, I've learned a lot from the responses I received from many of you.
  I've broken the discussion into specific summaries of each point raised.
(I hope this report comes through from my email system to Listserv's system
without too many special characters added to it to make it harder to read.

If any one of you want to read this without those characters, just send me
an email, and I'll be happy to forward the original copy to you).

There was a lively discussion on STARBUCKS which I had inadvertently
initiated.  Hence my second posting to clarify it.   Here's what they're
saying:  The paper cup used may have glue derived from wheat.  One
stated that the coffee is cheap coffee that is over roasted with
favorings commonly added.  S/he also suggested to check the milk since
one source, Parmalatt, uses wheat as a preservative.  There's corn syrup
in some of their coffees.  Another disputed the "cheapness", saying that
Starbucks coffees are 100% coffee with no flavorings added unless you're
asking for a flavored drink.  S/he also questioned the glue on the paper
cup.  (I've seen postings in the past that spoke of wheat-derived glue
on those cups-= -- that is a separate item here).  One declared there's
no added flavorings in their coffees.  A Seattlite avowed Starbucks is
GF.  (My personal opinion is that Starbucks itself is GF, tho I'm not
sure about the paper cups, flavorings and milk or its alternatives - I
drink mine regular and black)= .

On COFFEE in general:

-One has a few cups every morning but never experienced a reaction, tho she
has been battling 3 serious broken blood vessels and a painful eye
infection, all within the last 5 months.

-One used to enjoy weekly coffee outings at Starbucks or Second Cup coffee.
 She started having similiar eye problems as mine as well as some gastric
upset which she attributed to cd and some coffees having gluten in them.

Since she stopped going to those places, there hasn't been a recurrence of
eye problems.

-Maybe coffee dilates the capilliaries in the eyes and causes sore, dry,
puffy eyes.

-May not be related to cd, but to a sensitivity to either coffee in general
or Starbucks specifically or something else.

-Caffeine usually constricts rather than dilates blood vessels, thus
causing or contributing to a rise in blood pressure for some. (My blood
pressure is usually normally low, but seems to be abnormally low nowadays).

-Coffee causes blood pressure to go up.

-One drinks a fair amount of coffee to stay awake (works from 11pm to 7am
six days a week), but hasn't tried eliminating coffee to see if her eye
symptoms change (diagnoses: 1. chronic allergic conjunctivititis; 2.
blepharitis (I had several episodes of it prior to my diagnosis); 3. ocular
rosacea; 4. DH).

-has same problem.  Regular caffeine use definitely sets it off, and it
goes down after a few coffee-free days.

-has problems with caffeine, and uses zinc whenever coffee bothers her.
(My personal opinion is that coffee/caffeine reactions are personal and not
necessarily related to cd.  They may affect the eyes or other parts of the


-right eye gets itchy and read whenever consuming dairy products.

-one has been diagnosed with 1. chronic allergic conjunctivititis; 2.
blepharitis (I had several episodes of it prior to my diagnosis); 3. ocular
rosacea; 4. DH.

-In November, a diagnosis of idopathic ititis, an autoimmune disorder that
causes inflammation of the iris (colored part of the eye).  Few months
later in April, diagnosed with cd. Eye gets red, dry, sensitive to light
and very sore/achy.  Being treated with psycopentelate (sp?) drops to
paralyze/dilate eye, and PredForte (steroid) drops.

-similiar eye problems as mine seem to occur randomly, usually when in a
store.  May be autoimmune problem and/or Sjogren's Syndrome.  Treating with
preservative-free eye drops and warm compresses.

-Vitamin A deficiency can cause sore eyes - may be due to malabsorption and
diarrhea.  A rare cause.

-B1 and B2 vitamins.  If not getting enough B!, you'll have redness in and
around eyes, may have itching or an irritated feeling.  Take 50mg of these
vitamins daily.

-had red streak through left eye during crisis, prior to cd diagnosis.
A strong link between cd and thyroid disease.  In auto immune thyroid
disease, not only does the thyroid come under attach, but often the
eye/s do too beauce eye tissue is very similar to thyroid tissue. This
info is in book, "The Thyroid Solution".  Another book, "Specific
Carbohydrate Diet"= , also a GF diet, helped clear up eye.  Also,
"Breaking the Viscious Cycle"=

by Elaine Gottschall.  Visit www.scdiet.org and www.scdiet.com.

A personal ANECTODE which I'm giving to you in its near-entireity so
you'd get a feel for this young woman's experience:

-I read both of your posts with great interest as my 20 year old celiac
daughter has been experienceing eye puffiness, irritation, and
discomfort since March.  She has been to numerious eye doctors and
allergist with no results.  She did have allergy test done and now we
are doing blood allergy testing.  I am not sure if coffee is in the food
list.  Please do give me all the info you can as she is very perturbed
at this time.  All the doctors seem to be on vacation, so time is just
marching by with no assistance.  The only symptom she also has is
exhaustion at times.  She has done tons of antibodics and the doctors
feel it is not an infection but an allergic reaction.  Kelly thinks the
tirdness is due to the eye strain because when her eye is not fully
irritated she does not appear to be as tired.  I believe this to be the
case. Any assistance you can give would be greatly appreciated.  Kelly
was dying of celiac disease when she was 12 years old and her body took
a toll.  Now at 20 she knows her diet but always has something wrong
with her.  Kelly is a very articulate college student.  I welcome any
and all the help we can get.  We are getting desperate and were planning
on getting a referral to Mass Eye and Ear in Boston (we live in RI).
Until I hear from you I think I will suggest to her to cut out coffee
and possibly caffeen. You might be on to something!!!! Kelly works for
the summer at a hospital as a Nurse Tech.

This is it.  Thank you again for your wonderful support.

Mildred Oberkotter