<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

       Hi One and All,

      Here is the summary on Malabsorption:-

Weak kidneys also fail to control the PH balance and can
lead to too much acidity.  Sodium bicarb will neutralise
this acid.

So, what the heck are alkaline forming foods????
ans: apples, cider,  green leaf vegetables, most fruit,
water, almonds,  etc.

One must be very careful about any salt if the blood pressure is high
and very often it is. And one can take too much sodium bicarbonate.

Ans:  Salt causes these problems but sea salt does not.

think this has been a problem for me for years.  My doctors don't
believe me when I say that I get so weak and feel much better if I take
salt.  They say it is bad for my blood pressure, but I have noted, that
my blood pressure actually decreases with the intake of salt.  I now
know when I get weak I am low on salt.  I went into the hospital and
they felt that I had a small heart attack, and then said it wasn't after
five days in the hospital.  My symptoms disappeared as soon as they gave
me a saline drip and my BP returned to normal. They still do not believe
that salt can help.  Thanks for sharing.

 Oh, what does a low alkaline diet have to do with it?  Thanks, Carol in

Excellent, one more reason for me to go to the beach. :) Just couldn't
resist. But I will keep this in mind. I've been taking digestive
enzymes, not sure if this has the same effect but it seems to be working
as well as having some other tablet, can't remember what it is though.

I thank everyone for their responses. Just to reiterate: One should
attempt to maintain the body's PH balance in favour of alkalinity. One
should also maintain the electrolyte balance using sodium bicarbonate
and sea salt.  Another problem maybe too little stomach acid resulting
in undigested food items lost via BMs. This too is a serious
malabsorption problem and requires Betaine HCL combined with Pepsin
enzyme tablets or powder with each meal!

For further interest look up:  hypernatraemia, hyponatraemia,
hypochloria, kidney acidosis, duodenal ulcerative acidosis,  low blood

