Try  They provide help in identifying manufacturer from the
chips on the board.  Also a helpful site for other drivers.

"Ryel, Raymond L NWP" wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have a modem with no name or numbers on it and Windows 98se will 'see' it
> but not find or use the 98 driver for it. This all came about when my power
> supply went south and burned out my MOBO. When I replaced it with the Sanyo
> SB for my slot 1 450 everything except the no-name modem and sound card
> worked fine. I installed SB modem and sound and my system is now up and
> running but I am annoyed that I the system I bought a year ago has parts
> that can not be re-loaded. Can you tell me how I can identify these parts or
> what drivers they may need to work? I would like to use them in another
> system I have.
> thanks
> Raymond Ryel

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