> Ardeith wrote:
> > I went no-wheat about 2 years ago.....and for the past
> > 18 months or so, I've been having flare-ups from my
> > Rheumatoid Arthritis.....
Richard said:
> I never realized my intolerance/allergy to
> tomatoes/eggplants/peppers.

Ardeith writes:
Oh, Dirty Words!!!!  Salads are so blah without
tomatoes!!   Anyone know another veggie that
makes a salad tasty!   I usually use assorted
green stuff, cukes, green onions, sometimes
mushrooms, summer squash.....but for me
tomatoes make the salad.....and eggplant
is almost as satisfying as meat.......I'm really
going to hate giving up on these........

And Alison wrote:
I've read that RA can be greatly helped by not
eating dairy. That and not eating wheat is basically
the paleo diet.

Ardeith writes:
Maybe.....I've been clinging to a bit of ice cream
in the evening as my "reward" for NOT eating
chocolate chip cookies, a chunk of pound cake,
or half a key-lime pie....all of which were once
major ingredients in my life......

So....now, I'll bite the bullet and cut the nightshade
family and all dairy.....even yogurt......but I think
I'll keep the butter a while longer......just to see
what happens next........and while I'm at it, I'll
taper off the cortizone drugs so I can tell what's
really happening.    (and maybe then I can
drop the twenty pounds I re-gained while on
the drugs)

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