On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Judy Genova wrote:

> I'd be curious to know how many paleo eaters need to "carbo load" .  Here are
> my questions:
> 1. How long can you go on just protein, veggies and fat before you feel like
> you need to eat fruit or some other starchier food.

About five days.  That is at near-zero carbs.  I have done it
longer on occasion (up to two months), without any discernible

> 2.  For those of you who do need to load up, do you just do fruits, or do you
> include some grain products?

I don't actually "load up."  I just include some denser carbs,
but my total usually ends up between 60 and 75g.  In fact, that
is the pattern that works best for me, so I try not to go below
that very often.

> I know the obvious answer is to exercise more.  But in addition to that, I
> was hoping to get some dietary feedback from the list.

I think the key is to find the carb intake level that gives you
maximum appetite control, in conjunction with your exercise

Todd Moody
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