I have been spending a lot of time in the
Greenhouse and working in the garden
around it, and sweating rivers......I come
inside and crave salty flavors and also
something sour/tart.....like lemon juice
maybe......I drink plenty of water while
I'm outside......usually a pint of water
with each rest break....which I have to
take frequently due to my arthritis......

Gatorade used to satisfy me when I was
hot and thirsty.....but I'm convinced they've
changed the formula.....now it is only blah
flavored water.......doesn't satisfy me
anymore........so, I suppose I'm not getting
what I'm needing from it..............

Is there a commercial mix that you all find
useful?  Or possible you could suggest
things I could mix myself?   My lemon
and orange trees are covered with little
green balls right now.....no fruit for
several more months.......but I can always
get juices at the market............

Thanks for any help you can offer......

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