More about cholesterol:

"The cholesterol myth" by Uffe Ravnskow, MD

I´m reading it, and i can only recommend it to all,
who wants to know more about cholesterol and the way, scientists
try to tune up their results to confirm the myth, that nutrition is
the only cause of high cholesterol and that high cholesterol is bad for you.

my nutrition prof. at university says every time:
we know nothing about nutrition, and therefore it´s not o.k. to teach people.
An example:

Low antioxidants in blood from people who smoke or have an inflammation.
The doctor says: Oh good, we must give antioxidants, we must help your body!

What happens with the smokers? You know, they got more cancer with supplementing
beta carotene, an antioxidant.
Our body is protecting himself by downregulating antioxidants, because too much antiox.
will react as prooxidants.

So always be sceptical. As with cholesterol, too.
Greetings from sunny germany

Jochen Schwarz