One of my users, who has an IBM T21 (800 mhz, 10 GB drive, 256 MB RAM)
Thinkpad notebook, is looking at a Firewire enabled scanner. The laptop
does not have Firewire capability. There are add-on cards such as an
Evergreen Cardbus Firewire PCMCIA type II card, which add this ability
to the laptop. We are figuring that since Firewire is faster than USB,
this might be a good plan. We still have not decided on which scanner
yet, but I'd say we are looking at ones with moderate to high scanning
ability, as opposed to one suitable for a home user.

My question is: since Firewire is not native to the machine, is there a
performance (througput) hit due to using the PCMCIA bus? Does anyone
know if we will really see a difference here, versus USB?
Thank you.

Susan Sutherland

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