My daughter's hair fell out like crazy because of an allergy to eggs. She
can't touch anything with egg in it, it doesn't matter whether the eggs are
organic, free range, high Omega-3, or whether they are cooked or raw. She
just cant have any chicken eggs, period. I used to wake up to find she had
shed enough hair all over my bed to make a wig for a Barbie doll. Then she
started pulling it out b/c of a salicylate sensitivity (berries, apples,
tomatoes, olives). It came out very easily, in big clumps. The two
intolerances made for one very bald little girl. :( Now that she's off eggs,
she can have some high salicylate foods in moderation and she doesn't pluck.
Even if she does start to pluck, the hair is firmly rooted and doesn't pull
out very easily.

Just a thought. You also might try head massage to increase circulation, and
get a nice hairbrish like the Widu wooden bristle hair brush. It is very
comfortable, doesn't pull or snag hair, and gives a nice massage with every
use. I bought mine at I also bought one for my
MIL, whose hair used to fall out like crazy. It's been a lot better since
she started using the brush.


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