>Paul Sand wrote:
>I'm at 8% of body fat at the moment.

As measured by what method?

>Month should be plenty to lose your weight.

One month isn't plenty of time for the average woman to lose 5-8lbs of
bodyfat.  Maybe in terms of 5-8lbs of bodyweight, but not bodyfat.  Women
just aren't going to drop 5-8lbs of fat/month without heavy cardio and

>I think lowering my fat intake (below 75%)  and upping protein resulted in
>drastic body fat loss. I lost my middle body fat without >decrease in

Let me see if I understand this correctly.  You lowered your fat intake
below 75%, raised your protein intake for the other calories, and the
consequence was you experienced "drastic body fat loss... without decrease
in bodyweight"?  If your bodyweight remained the same, then you actually
gained muscle at the same time you were losing fat... and this happened due
to a simply macronutrient ratio manipulation.  lol.

>IMO 1400 cals is too low.

Depends on the gender, individual genetics, frequency of cardio and weight
training, thyroid levels, T and progesterone and hGH levels, and about a
dozen other factors that I'm too lazy to list or get into right now.

>Women need more carbs than man.

Again, this depends on the circumstances of the person.  Gender may be a
contributing factor to carb intake, but it is not the deciding factor.

Justin Hasselman
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