First, let me explain why I'm posting this here: a lot of parents on this
list have children with food issues similar to my daughter's, and logic
suggests that many of these children could have had potty problems similar
to this. So, I'm looking to these parents for advice.

Zoe turned three in April. She has never, ever, once in her life used the
potty or toilet. She won't do any sort of business in the potty. I have
tried everything, and sought advice from a slew of parents, docs, chiros,
friends who are daycare providers, and other experts. (The pediatrician, as
well as my cousin who's in medical school, both suggested persuading and
rewarding Zoe with M&M's!!!) *Nothing* is helping. She is having *major
issues* over the idea of using the potty. Her little sister (who'll be 2
soon) is potty training very well. No fuss. But then, she doesn't have the
food problems that Zoe has. This is why I am wondering if Zoe's "potty
issues" could be related to her "gut issues". Makes sense to me.

If any parents out there can relate and have any suggestions, please email
me OFFLIST at [log in to unmask] Thanks for enduring this off-topic post.

P.S. Zoe has been paleo for a year now, beacuse she'd been showing signs of
Asperger's syndrome (though not anymore). She's been constipated lately b/c
of holding it in. Before this, constipation hasn't been a problem since she
started paleo. So, she hasn't been a regular sufferer of chronic
uncomfortable BMs. Help! Help!

Bewildered in the bathroom,
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