On Sat, 14 Jul 2001 14:26:24 -0400, Marilyn Harris <[log in to unmask]>

>I would like to know if anyone on the list presses their own oils and what
>kind of equipment is needed that is also affordable and suitable to a home

Hi Marilyn,

I recommend the best oil press... your teeth.
So you get all the goodies from the oil seed too.
And there are a lot benefits in the seed(particularly in flax and sesame).
I have a farmer who produced nice organic hemp seed - but he doesn't want to
have them oil-pressed because he would be sorry to waste the nice

Ok I admit, I love pressed oil too..
However I think it's not easy to do.
You will have the advantage to gain really fresh oil and can select the
seeds. On the other hand a simple press may expose the precious oil more to
the air.
Over here there are some specialist oil pressers who make really best
quality oil. This I buy.
"Rapunzel" :-)
