<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Listmembers.  I am going to be away from home for 7 days for the
first time since I was diagnosed.   I would like suggestions about how
you maintain your gf status when you travel.

I will be flying into Minneapolis then driving up to a small town for
my class reunion.

How does one eat "on the road?"  I asked for raw vegetarian on the
plane.   Any suggestions that you have would be appreciated.
Traveling with this status seems like it would be difficult.

I know many of you have traveled with celiac disease and have probably
come up with all kinds of ideas.  I know I just can't stop anywhere
and eat.  I would be willing to take along some food with me but would
be interested in your ideas, thoughts, recommendations and experience
with travel in general.

Thanks in advance.  I know you guys will come up with all KINDS of
ideas :).  I bet that pocket guide would be a good idea--but I don't
have time to order it now.

Lorri in Colorado

PS--would like to hear also about your favorite Kinnikinnet (sp?)
breads.  They have alot to choose from.