<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Eat plenty fruits & vegetables.  Keep protein consumption low.  (He
said cows grow big & strong without eating meat!  LOL!)  Because of the
private responses of several list members, I think I may have
misrepresented Dr. Fine in my previous post.  I feel like I need to
clarify this.  When Dr. Fine made the cow statement, he was not
recommending that we eat like cows to grow big & strong.  He meant it as
a kind of a joke, not a scientific argument to support his
recommendations.  He has a cute sense of humor.  I have no doubt that
Dr.  Fine well knows the difference in the bovine digestive system and
the human system; bovine nutritional needs & human nutritional needs. I
apologize to any who may have been confused by this. ~Valerie in Tacoma, WA