<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks everyone for the responses.  The original post was dated
5/31/01.  It's been a while back. Have been lacking for time I believe.
I forgot to mention in this post that I have been gf for 3 1/2 years.  I
did have RAST testing for many food items a while back. Nothing positive
but eventually I discovered that, initially, the potato family
foods(nightshades) were causing the nausea.  I have also been keeping a
food diary since April.  This has been helpful.  I just realized the
other day that initially, I attributed all my medical problems to
aging.  1 week ago I eliminated animal products from my diet and, wow,
diminishing tendon pain!  Up until then I have assumed that at least
some issues were non-food related.  Currently I can say ALL of my
medical issues are food related.  Interesting, huh?

Barb/   email address:   "Barb Gardner" <[log in to unmask]>

I have separated the responses into 2 categories.  One having to do with
docs in the Tacoma area and the other referring to the nausea and GI
problems, both preceded by the question.  Thanks again.

The question was:  Has anyone had experience with the Digestive Health
Clinic in Tacoma?


I went to Dr.  Kawanthatana at Memorial Clinic.  I found her to be very
educated.  For a GI Dr.  I go to Dr.  Wagner who is also in Memorial
Clinic.  She is pretty familiar with Celiac and even has a receptionist
that has Celiac Disease herself.  Hope that helps!  The number to
Memorial Clinic is 1- 800-422-8879.


Dr. Richard Baerg diagnosed me many many years ago (13 years to be

He was super nice and I would send anybody to him without hesitation.
Not sure where he is at now but he was with Digestive Disease back then.
Good luck.


I went to Digestive Health Specialists in Tacoma (Allenmore Center).
One of the docs there was recommended by a woman from the GIG in

Unfortunately, I had all ready made the appointment with a doc who the
receptionist said was "familiar" with CD, so did not see the recommended
doc.  Due to two computer crashes, I have lost the names of the docs.  I
was not impressed with the doc I saw, he did some blood work "that would
show if I had CD" (It didn't!).  His only recommendation was to go for
an endoscopy, and I had had one of those by a Gastrodoc which he claimed
didn't show anything (the way he was acting led me to believe that he
hadn't looked for CD evidence and just lied).  I have since had the
Enterolabs stool test which came up a definite positive for CD.  I
combine that with the fact that after I went GF almost all my CD
symptoms went away as proof that I have CD.


Another uninformed Dr. get diagnosed through Dr Fine


My original comment was:  "My list of "avoid" foods gets longer weekly.
Usually my symptoms are nausea within the hour.  Sometimes the immediate
reaction is a sore mouth.  I haven't had any success with two GI
specialists in  Seattle(one is affiliated with GIG).  Both dumped me
after their initial diagnostic test didn't show anything. I have begun
probiotics and L-glutamine based on listies postive comments."


Those substances that hit within the first hour, and also those that
tend make a sore mouth immediately, are usually allergies rather than
intolerances. That does not not sound like celiac. Though it's possible
that you would have celiac (gluten intolerance) in addition to those
allergies. Intolerances tend to take two or three hours or more to
manifest, and they tend to hit the GI tract (in the immediate reactions).

Allergies may hit within a few seconds and tend to cause things like
sore mouth, hives, rashes, dizzyness, respiratory problems, etc.


Probiotics have sure helped me immensely, at the first signs of blood in
stool, or being bloated, or constipation (which I NEVER am), I start
right into it.  I have done really well on it, but if I miss a dose I
know it.  This apparently is the IN way to treat CD.


If I were you I'd do the NAET thing for all those food problems you are
having.  It's, of course, on-the-fringe even for alternative medicine,
but, what the heck.  Nothing else seems to be helping you.  I here
there's a NAET guy who teaches how to do it to folks for $250 in a two
day seminar.  If I find out anything about the seminar, I'll let you

There are NAET practicioners  listed on line.  Search NAET.  You will
find a site & a list of practicioners. The guy who does it is in Cali &
came up here once to teach it.  If I get anymore information, I'll be
sure to pass it along.  In the meantime, try the Eat Right For Your Type
diet.  I really do feel much better when I follow Dr. D'Adamo's
recommendations.  It's a cheap treatment.  All I did was check the book
from the library!  Sure is cheaper than chiropractic!

Did you start taking probiotics yet?  I did a couple of months and it
seems to be helping me a bit.


Have you ever had any food ALLERGY testing?  The sore mouth may mean you
are allergic rather than intolerant.


since  you're starting on the probiotics, try along with them taking
three papaya enzyme pills after eating. Again, it can't hurt and it does
solve most problems caused by proteins that you may be sensitive to. The
enzyme breaks down protein (this enzyme is what's in Adolph's meat
tenderizer), and it will knock about 90 percent or more of any gluten
reaction I might have. It totally stops the light reactions, and I can't
tell I've even had any gluten. And it makes bad reactions much much

It will also take care of anything caused by protein you can't handle.
So if it doesn't help then you know your problem is not protein but
probably some sugar or substance other than protein. I assume you've
tried avoiding all dairy for a period to see if you're sensitive to
that, since most of us are, especially when we're still having problems.
The lactose thing can be as bad as the gluten. I also assume you saw my
recent post on the three major enzymes we need for digestion: lactase,
maltase, and sucrase. If you have a shortage there, a good
probiotic/acidophilus should handle that.  That can be the source of
nausea as well as bloat.

The best celiac website I've seen is:

Before using this acidophilus, I'd eat a small sandwich and feel so full
the rest of the day and evening that I wouldn't want any dinner, which
would often cause She Who Must be Obeyed to hurt me. But now I can eat a
braunschweiger sandwich and then be hungry about two or three hours
later, which often causes She Who Must . . . to hurt me :) I also notice
that when I feel bloated and eat less, I gain weight big time, but when
I get hungry sooner and eat more I lose weight. Go figger.


Last week, I went to an allergist specifically for food allergies.  I,
too, tested negative.  But the allergist said that just because I'm
negative to it with the skin testing, doesn't mean I don't have major
intolerances that affect my intestines.  It's so frustrating.  I'm still
not sure if I have Celiac or not.  But I am starting to really believe
that I have a wheat/carbohydrate intolerance.  I'm doing really well
right now by taking Celexa at night....yes, it's for anxiety.  AND I'm
doing really well by following the diet in the book "Eat Right 4 Your
Type".  I'm type O positive....and by avoiding the foods he tells me to
avoid, I am really seeming to do very well.


It sounds like your body has gone into "reject everything" mode...  This
happens sometimes when we're trying to figure out what's wrong.  It's
probably time to go back to basics and clean out...

You might try a 1 or 3-day water or juice fast, and then gradually add
foods back in, starting with the least likely to bother you (fruits,
veggies) then move on to your likely problem foods (work your 'avoid'
list backwards?)

Keep a food diary, including everything you're feeling (mental, energy,
physical, aches/pains, gastro, etc).  Once your body starts reacting to
everything, it's very difficult to figure out what the original
source(s) were....