<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recently posted requested that someone who is fluent translate the
following Spanish restaurant card:

<<Por orden medica me esta prohibido ingerir alimentos que contengan oderiven
del trigo, avena, cebada y centeno, (pan, galletas, bolleria,macarrones,
fideos, croquetas, malta, embutidos porque pueden conteneralmidon de trigo,
etc.)por lo tanto no me esta permitido tomar ningunalimento que este
empanado, rebozado o espesado con harina.Puedo tomar maiz, arroz, patatas,
verduras, pescados y carnes (todosestos alimentos a la plancha, hervidos,
asados, guisados (saldasespesadas con maicena o patata).El aceite usado para
los fritos (por ejemplo patatas fritas) tiene queser limpio (que no haya sido
utilizado para freir empanados orebozados)para que no este contaminado.Por
favor, si tiene alguna duda durante la preparacion de la comida, nodude en
preguntarme.Muchas gracias.>>

I received several suggestions to use online automated translators such as:

www.babelfish.com and http://world.altavista.com/.

I also received 3 actual translations.  Here they are:

<<By medical order it is forbidden to me to eat food containing or
derivated from wheat, oats, barley and rye (bread, buiscuits, crackers,
noodles, vermiccelli, fritters, malt, sausages as they may have wheat
starch, etc)= I must not eat any food covered or Thickened with wheat
flour. I may have corn, rice, potatoes, vegetables, fish, meat ( all
these grilled, boiled, stew (use corn flour or potatoes to thicken
sauces)  Oil used to fry (Fried potatoes, for instance) has to be clean
(not used before to fry anything containing wheat flour) to avoid
contamination.  Please, if you have any doubt during meals preparation,
do not hesitate to ask me. Thank you.>>

and another:

<<By medical order, it is prohibited that I ingest foods that contain or
are derived from:  wheat, oats, barley, and rye (bread,
crackers/cookies, macaroons, noodles, croquets, malt, breaded items
because they contain wheat, etc.).  I am not permitted to eat anything
that has been breaded, coated, or stuffed with flour.  I can eat corn,
rice, potatoes, vegetables, fish, and meats ( all of those which are
broiled, pan fired, boiled, grilled, etc. The oil used for frying (for
example french fries) must be "clean" (not used to fry any other food
item - especially breaded, etc.) otherwise it is considered
contaminated.  If you have any questions or doubts about food
preparation for me, please do not hesitate to ask.  Thank you very

and another:

<<Oh , this is a fun one.  I have changed the original in some places because
the words were "stuck" together.  I put the changes in parenthesis.

By medical prescription, I am prohibited from eating foods which contain
or are derived from wheat, oats, barley and rye (bread, crackers (&
cookies), ????, macaroni, noodles, croquettes(????), malt, sausage
because they can contain wheat starch, etc.)therefore I am not permitted
to eat any food that is wrapped, rolled, thickened(????)  with flour.  I
can eat corn, rice, potatoes, vegetables, fish and meat (all these foods
grilled, boiled, fried, stewed (thickened broth with cornstarch or
potato). The oil used for fried items(for example french fries) have to
be clean (that would not have been used for frying turnovers, meat pies
or pastry to avoid contamination).  Please, if you have any doubt during
the preparation of the meal, do not hesitate to ask me.  Thank you very much.>>

I found the original card in the celiac list serv archives using the terms
"Spanish restaurant card".

Thanks everyone!

Oklahoma City, OK