<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Listserv members,

Thanks to all of you for responding to my e-mail about low weight gain in
pregnant pre-diagnosed celiacs.  It seems like low-weight gain in pregnant
moms just might be an indicator of celiac disease (particularly for those of
us who did not have symptoms beforehand and who were not especially thin :)
their whole lives).

I got 10 response.  Three responses just mentioned that weight loss was a
sign of celiac disease.  The other 7 responses said at the time when women
are supposed to be gaining weight to support a child, they were unable to do
so.  None of those who responded were able to gain more than 15 pounds during
their pregnancy (all of these women were either undiagnosed, had no symptoms
of celiac before their pregancy--the pregancy triggered the celiac?, or had
not had symptoms since early childhood).  The good news is only one
respondent said her child had suffered in the long term because of her low
weight gain (I am not sure if this person's child had celiac).

If you are interested in receiving the e-mail responses, let me know.  I
would be happy to forward them.

Thanks again for your responses.  I hope they will convince my cousin that
she should get tested.
