<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone that responded to my request for assistance.  I received
over 20 responses.  The encouragement and personal experiences related to me
are helpful and reassuring in dealing with osteoporosis as a celiac.
Suggestions listed below.

        Medications:            -Fosamax (tried several years ago and had to
stop on account of gasto/intestinal problems)

                                -Actonel (using once a day for about 3 months)


                                -Miacalcin(?) nasal spray (tried and got hives)


        Supplements:            -magnesium (same amount as calcium)

                                -calcium 1500 mg or more (I am taking
powdered calcium from Freeda)

                                -citracel with D

                                -ostivone and boron

        Magnetic &
        Technology              -see web site www.5pillars.com/micki

        Concerns:               -several member have or are taking the
50,000 IU of Vit D with no problems but must be under a doctor's care.

				-one listserve member indicated dairy
products caused osteoporosis - see web site www.rense.com (sometimes this web
site did not work), or www.notmilk.com, or www.milksucks.com/osteo.html

        Endocrinologist:        -Dr. Bernard Rice in Shawnee,KS - Dr.
Rice is approximately 100 miles from me.  I have made an appointment for
June 18th - hopefully I can make the trip and he can help me. Thanks to
the listmember in Kansas!!!

        Vehicles:               -Buick Park Avenue
98                                -Lexus 400

Again, THANKS - I appreciate your interest and help.
