<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone.  The first response summed up what most people said. in
regards to the question I asked about celiacs being able to tolerate
dairy again after time.  I have listed several others, too, which may
help those of us that are new at this.   The most significat info I
learned was the difference between casein (which is a protein)
allergy and lactose (which is a sugar) intolerance, which is copied
under #1 below.  I have the casein allergy, which I know because of an
ELISA test.  I doubt I will ever go back to milk again--it just
doesn't do my body any good.  I've been off it for years.  My bone
density tests are coming back fine so far.     I get my calcium
elsewhere.  Thanks to all for the great replies.  Lorri in Colorado

1.. "You got it Lorri. 50 percent of celiacs are lactose intolerant.
But many of them don't know it because they haven't been tested. I had
no reactions to milk, in fact I drank a quart of it a day because I
thought it settled my stomach. When my doc told me I was intolerant I
thought he was crazy.  But after avoiding dairy for three weeks, then
accidentally getting a half a teaspoon in something my wife made, I no
longer had any doubt.

But if you react to casein, as opposed to lactose, then you also have a
casein allergy. The lactose is an intolerance, the casein is an allergy.

For instance, if you can eat hard GF cheeses like Tillamook or Cracker
Barrel cheddars with no reaction, then you are just lactose intolerant.
But if the cheese also gets a reaction, then you are also allergic to casein.

Those two cheeses have no, or almost no, lactose in them.

But 50 percent of celiacs can go back to eating dairy after a year or
two when their gut has a chance to heal and can produce lactase once again."

2."My understanding is this:

Lactase (the enzyme that helps us digest lactose from milk) is produced
in the villi of the small intestines.) Depending on the extent of the
damage your lactase maybe just a little low or nonexistent. As your
villi heal, you may be able to tolerate more and more lactose because
your villi is producing lactase again as the villi regrow."

3."You may have casein problems either because of celiac or because you
just do anyway.  Give yourself ample healing time, and then try some
dairy and see what happens.  Unlike gluten, the casein won't damage you,
although continuing to consume it may be truly unpleasant."

4."Both casein and gluten can cause the exact same gut reaction in
some people.

A lot of people react only to gluten and because of the destruction of

intestinal enzymes, only have a problem with the milk sugar, as it is
digested by a skimpy sugar digester called lactase, so if the lining of
the intestine is damaged, there is even less of it to digest the milk
sugar (lactose).  But, the rest of us are stuck reacting to the protein,
not the sugar, for life, I suppose.  Or at least a long, long time."

5."I was diagnosed in January of this year. I have always been told that
I have had prior to the CD diagnosis, Lactose Intolerance. I am now able
to eat dairy with no problem at all. From what I have read, that is a
pretty common occurrence once following the diet."

6."Lorri, Lactose intolerance is not the same as casein allergy.
Lactose is the milk sugar, and casein is one of the proteins, I THINK.
(I am not totally sure about this).  Anyway, my daughter was not lactose
intolerant, but the doc told me she WAS allergic to casein in milk (it
gave her exzema).  She has drunk goat milk ever since, with no probs. "

7."In some cases yes.  I was one of those that seemed to be intolerant
to dairy and after going gf for a while, I now have no problems
tolerating dairy, I'll keep my fingers crossed that your intolerance
goes away too."

8."Frequently people with celiac also have other food allergies, or
sensitivities.  I myself have been gluten free for almost 4 years, but I
still cannot handle dairy.  I am allergic to it.  There is a company in
Fla. that does delayed food allergy testing via the mail.  They have a
money back guarantee if you don't get better in 3 months.  If you are
interested, call Lisa Durow at 1-800-943-6313.  They also can test for
the different types of dairy:  caseine, whey and lactose as some people
are only allergic to certain ones.  Good luck!! "