>I emailed the author of the University of Toronto publication of this
>"research" to contact Loren Cordain at the U. of Colorado if she wanted to
>talk to an actual authority re paleo diet.

Tee hee hee! I actually got a note Dr. Cordain, who says he's been in
contact with the author in the past.

Don't get me wrong; fruits, vegetables and nuts are just great.  You like
'em?  Good for you.  Here's what struck me.  This is just nifty keen go Jane
Q. Editor and John Q. Sixpack because it lacks meat, cheese and butter,
foods that have been linked to heart disease.  You know full well that if a
similar study was done on a diet with these foods plus (gasp!) meat, it
would be considered stupid/risky/radical/rediculous or all of the above.
Know what I mean?  This drives me nuts!

Also, they refer to this as the pre-human diet.  What makes eating a monkey
diet better than eating the human diet?  Sheez!  I mean, hey, I like to
scratch my butt, too, every now and then but I'm not in the mood to live in
a tree and lose my 'net connection, know what I mean?  I'd rather go forward
than backward but maybe I'm just stupid.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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