Thanks Ginny! I am going to do a book search and see if
I can get this book through library loan. I have been wanting
to read it for quite some time, as it makes sense to me. Whenever
I feel stressed/drained, getting more than my usual 7 hours
of sleep usually refreshes me. If I don't I tend to get sick.
--Liz Butek-Beasley

>The book, "Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival", by T.S. Wiley is
>concerned with the need for adequate sleep, Paleo sleep, as it were, in
>accordance with the length of light and dark periods through the seasons.
>The author demonstrates that there are many, many metabolic processes vital
>to health performed in appropriately long, dark sleep periods. Thusly, our
>modern life by artificial light mimics the longest days of summer, and
>keeps us stuck squarely in one season, the most wearing,
>carbohydrate-laden, fat-storing one. This apparently affects our fat
>metabolism, sex drive, cardiac and arterial disease, lipid levels, and
>more, and keeps us from being able to recover during the sleep of the long
>dark season. I found it very interesting, and directly relevant to Paleo
>eating patterns.
>ginny and Tomo
>All stunts performed without a net!

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