Lamin Jeng and Saul, thanks for your comments. Like Lamin, I hope what we
are witnessing here is new era where if an innocent and defenseless Gambian
is picked on, the legal community will stand up for that Gambian in full
force. These people (lawyers) have the power to paralyze the whole system.
If the courts are brought to a standstill, nothing moves. Lawyers should be
more aggressive in their defense of the innocent. This shows that Emmanuel
certainly EARNED the respect of his colleagues. He has on numerous occasions
put his life on the line for the defense of the Human Rights of innocent
Gambian citizens. How many times have we read on Gambian newspapers NIA
thugs threatening the life of the gentleman? This kind of behavior can only
happen in a Dictatorship. I am very encouraged that his (decent) colleagues
stood by him in his hour of need.

Saul, I also hope that this is the last time Emmanuel is dragged to court to
defend himself against these bogus charges. Now, the ball is squarely in
Joseph Joof's court. He calls the shots as Attorney General. The matter is
now out of the hands of the Police. Any movement we have in this case would
this time come DIRECTLY from Joseph Joof. We know for a fact that he
instigated the Police to dig this case and persecute Emmanuel. The Police
did a dismal job. The case is THROWN out for LACK of EVIDENCE. Let Joseph
Joof give the brother a break and leave the matter to rest.

I hope Gambians also learn from this case the levels the vermin will go to
railroad people they perceive as enemies (even if those people are NOT their
enemies). The Police in this case dug everywhere to find evidence against
Emmanuel in order to please Joseph Joof. When they could NOT find tangible
evidence, they sought to MANUFACTURE EVIDENCE. They could NOT get a single
witness to say that he/she SAW the accident and Emmanuel was 'careless'.
Looking at the circumstances surrounding the accident, they could NOT also
get circumstantial evidence showing that Emmanuel was 'careless'. Faced with
this 'predicament', what did the vermin do? They drew a bogus sketch of the
accident and then FORGED Emmanuel's signature on the document bearing the
drawing. They then wanted to use this FORGERY to convince the court that
Emmanuel agreed to what was on the drawing. Needless to say, the magistrate
did not buy into the forgery and threw the Police's garbage out of court.
But, Brother, can you believe this? Can you believe how low the vermin will
go to FRAME an innocent and defenseless citizen?

Now, imagine what would have happened if we were not dealing with a lawyer
of Emmanuel's caliber and the support he got from his colleagues. Imagine
this was someone like Dumo (without legal training and held incommunicado
prevented from talking to his lawyers). To make matters worst for Dumo,
rather than the AG wanting his blood, it is Yaya himself that want the blood
of the brother. Can we TRUST these vermin to conduct an impartial
investigation in a case concerning their perceived enemies? When the vermin
do NOT have evidence, they MAKE IT UP. This time they were caught with their
pants down. This reconfirms my firm-held view that the vermin got NOTHING
against Dumo and the numerous citizens they have accused falsely over the

I wished the vermin were that vigilant about unearthing evidence in the
Ebrima Barry case and the Massacre of our children on April 10 and 11, 2000.
When they have clear-cut cases with ample evidence (where they do NOT need
to manufacture evidence), they ignore the truth and say that they do not
want to go to court. Where they have evidence glaring right into their
faces, the mental midgets at the Police, NIA and AG's Chambers pretend as if
people are speaking Greek to them and say that there is no evidence. But
when it is time to frame innocent citizens in order to please people like
Yaya, Pap Cheyassin Secka, Baabaa Jobe and Joseph Joof, bingo!! the mental
midgets turn into ace investigators and start 'unturning' every stone in
order to manufacture evidence against innocent and defenseless Gambians. We
have a lawless jungle back home.

I hope Joseph Joof realizes that he will one day be held accountable for his
despicable actions. I hope he thinks about that day and backs off Emmanuel.
Emmanuel has NOT done anything wrong against Joseph or the government he

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