Thanks 1000 times for your input. As always you have approached this
situation maturely. Frankly, the gang of two have STRETCHED THE ENVELOPE of
the GAM-L RULES. It all boiled down to EMOTIONS. Why monitor Kujabi, whiles
we have the KEBBA JOKES and ESSAS putting us through hell. I was kinda
surprised to see the people keep monitoring me intensely since FEBRUARY
2001; absolutely pathetic. This will NEVER EVER distract me from hitting my
points home. This is MY CITIZEN DUTY to give it all I have in the struggle
in fighting for the RESTORATION of DEMOCRACY and the RULE of LAW back home.
Our beautiful country, which had been FIRM FRIENDS with the International
Community is NOW ISOLATED  as a result of the REBEL GOVERNMENT we have at
home. But the MORON'S DAYS are numbered. Therefore, as HISTORY always
teaches us great lessons, one should be REALLY VERY CAREFUL and PRUDENT in
the way you go about your life, otherwise, when that returns, a day when we
will all gather to account for our actions, we will have some in our midst
who will look the other way; or they might even regret their actions that
day. To that end, I think there should be a LEVELED PLAYING FIELD for every
contributor in this forum, period. God Bless.


>From: saul khan <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: On The Gambia-L Rules
>Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:06:15 -0700
>It's not only what you listed that needs to be
>reviewed, but this entire Cyber Nanny concept should
>be re-visited. The membership here is almost totally
>adult. People can sieve through the postings and pick
>out the chaff from the substantive. If someone's
>posting turns off others, they'll know what to do.
>There's a great tool on the computer keyboard called
>the "delete" button! Some of us use it routinely to
>empty our In-boxes daily, which is why I never
>understand this constant bitching about what X or Y is
>posting here. If you don't like what you see, delete
>the darn thing! This whole idea of monitoring
>someone's postings before letting them in is
>ridiculous. And very patronizing. Let the membership
>be the judge of whether what Kujabi or someone else
>writes is appropriate or not. I don't need anyone to
>tell me what to do when I don't want to read nutty
>stuff: I'll do exactly what I do when Matarr Njie
>sends my mother "greetings!" I find it ironic that
>while we're supposed to be engaged in encouraging free
>thinking, and stuff, the Managers have taken it upon
>themselves to play Big Brother. It's an egregious
>abuse of privilege as far as I'm concern. Totally
>un-necessary and out of place. Debates get heated, and
>tempers flare. Most people make up at their own
>volition and move on. They don't need any Manager to
>tell them what to do. Any Manager who likes to Baby
>Sit adults need to go work for Yaya Jammeh. I'm sure
>he'll find a suitable job for you where your oversight
>would be appreciated. It's most certainly NOT
>appreciated from this corner. Talk about
>--- Yusupha C Jow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Hi everyone:
> > For the first time ever, I have had an opportunity
> > to browse through Gambia-L
> > rules and I do believe that some of the rules seem
> > to be hopelessly outdated.
> >  Many of these rules do not apply to the list
> > anymore.   I found this one
> > particularly interesting:
> >
> > "2.  Personal attacks and name calling directed to
> > individuals, groups and/or
> > organizationsare not permitted."
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