From:  [log in to unmask] 06/21/01 06:54PM >>>

This is an incredibly unique, one-of-a-kind project, going on right
here in
Madison.    The Northside community has worked over five years
the State from selling the land to developer, convincing the City of
Madison to adopt the community's preservation plan into the City master

plan, arranging the purchase of the site, and securing funding for
conservation, agricultural and educational programs. Look for a story
Troy Gardens in the September issue of Conservation magazine.


Friends of Troy Gardens
Stewarding Madison's First Community Resource Park

Executive Director/Program Director
New nonprofit seeks, multi-talented director to steward Troy Gardens, a
acre community resource park developing an urban CSA farm, managed
woodlands, prairie restoration and community gardens. Three years
experience in nonprofit administration and program development
Experience in conservation or agriculture, fundraising, grant
writing/managing, group facilitation, and volunteer coordination highly

desirable. Salary low to mid $30's; good benefits; flexible schedule.
Applications review begins July 11.

Resumes not accepted in place of application.

For application & more info contact:
Friends of Troy Gardens
c/o NPC, 1202 Northport Dr Rm 300 Madison, WI 53704
608-242-6315; [log in to unmask]


Friends of Troy Gardens
Stewarding Madison's First Community Resource Park
Friends of Troy Gardens members include Madison Area Community Land
Urban Open
Space Foundation, Community Action Coalition, University of Wisconsin
Center for Integrated
Agricultural Systems and Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, Northside

Planning Council,
Troy Gardens Cohousing, community gardeners and Northside residents.
1202 Northport Drive, Room 300, Madison, Wisconsin 53704 * 608.242.6338
608.242.6256 fax

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