<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

   The metabolic/hormonal balance also interfaces with the immune

   If the endocrinal system gets out of sync then potentially it can
trigger autoimmune problems.  This may result in an immune response
against organs, proteins, etc.


This belief is now bolstered by substantial evidence that nervous system
output can indeed modulate immune function. However, the interactions
are not unidirectional. The immune system can also have powerful
influences on the nervous system.

The experimental evidence for nervous system- immune system interactions
can be summarized:

        1. Alterations in immune responses can be conditioned.

        2. Electrical stimulation or lesions of specific brain sites can
alter immune function.

        3. Stress alters immune responses and the growth of tumors and
infections in experimental animals.

        4. Activation of the immune system is correlated with altered
neurophysiological, neurochemical, and neuroendocrine activities of
brain cells.

See: http://www.acnp.org/G4/GN401000069/CH069.html


I want to say that i have noticed that most women with celiac that i
have talked to have had their celiac go "full blown" if you will right
after pregnancy... so i do think that hormonal reasons are big for the
women.. thanks for a great posting.


A long but very true email, I can relate to most of below, having been
diagnosedDH, in Grand Cayman where info was practically non existent and
I have researched and experienced many of the below symthoms and relief
agents by trail and error.. as a very keen triathlete, I have to be very
in touch with my body to attain highest level of fitness and still not there.

Thanks for showing my knowledge can be aligned with that of others


Very interesting, thank You. I just like You to know, that I had to have
my last teeth pulled. This was done at a dentist school here in USA.
They do not believe in the Mercury theory, like in Sweden and other
European countries.

Anyway, some days later I started to get dizzy, mostly laying down. I
had some homeopathic drops I took for metal removing. Then I read in
drdavidwilliams.com newsletter about cilantro. Started to take that too
for two weeks. The dizziness went away as sudden as it started. I sure
hope, and are pretty sure, that is the reason I now feel like on the top
of the world.

Of course, I still stay gluten and dairy free


A malfunctioning protein that regulates metal metabolism could be the
cause of autism, a debilitating developmental condition that afflicts
thousands of children, a study released Thursday said.

        US researchers reported that a staggering 99 per cent of the
autistic children they studied showed a chemical imbalance in blood
levels of copper and zinc, suggesting that the protein family that
regulates the use of these two metals is malfunctioning.

        The suspect metallothionein (MT) proteins control brain cell
development and are essential for ridding the body of certain toxins.
Their impairment could account for the stunted cognitive development
and gastrointestinal problems commonly seen in autistic children.


You are ignoring the possibility indeed the fact of circulatory
dysfunction at the cellular level leading to the accumulation of waste
products in the muscles and directly to refractory factigue.  The same
damage to the cell may lead to brain damage.

Well there are lots of specific diseases with fatigue as a symptom
and some are very difficult to diagnose.

While electrical signals are generated it is due to the movement
of chemicals between the neuronal connections.  Of course gross
movements such as the "galvanic response" may be induced by external
voltage but in the natural situation chemicals are used to move minute
electrical charges.  If there is a shortage of chemicals to move the
charges then the movement of the body is affected.

The point to examine is pituitary function etc.

Actually it would appear more likely that a damaged immune system
would lead to candidiasis (yeast) overgrowth and the yeast overgrowth
would lead to leaky gut.

Please note that coffee does not leak into the blood stream but is
absorbed very quickly and acts over about 20 minute period.  It works
in part by destroying the insulation on the nerves.  For some people
including myself it is highly addictive and use will give one
migraine-like headaches and quitting use will give a caffeine
sensitive person a very violent migraine like withdrawal headache.
The best way to keep the brain functioning is to keep learning
and this leads the neurons to keep making new connections.  I find
that attempting to analogise the brain's internal functions to a
communication facility is very poor practice. The brain is not truely
electrical but produces electrical signals as a by product of it's
chemical production and transference of chemical signals across the
neuronal connections.  In this it more resembles an ant colony or a
bee hive where chemical signals are supplemented by physical
signaling.  But the brains chemical signals not only affect itself but
the rest of the body as well.  If part of the brain is eroded by
whatever cause then the body's functions will be affected.


See how bacterial infection can also cause immune
response to attack healthy cells and proteins.

Basically they mimic enemy cells at the
molecular level. Lymphocytes quickly destory the
healthy cells as well.


Re: the mercury - you will notice that some people have talked about
having their mercury fillings replaced....the idea is that mercury can
break off and get into the body.  If you would suspect mercury
poisoning, research "glutathione zinc" ...glutathione is an amino acid
that detoxes.  I think mercury tends to prevent it from  detoxing.
Glutathione should bound with zinc.

I guess I am going to strike out regarding Dr. Shattock's research into
IAG and gulf war veterans.  I once went to a lecture he gave here in the
states, and he mentioned GWV and IAG, and it used to be mentioned on his
web site.

Alas, it's not there any longer.  IAG - indoyl acryl glycine is a
substance secreted in the urine...seems to be a by-product of the
incomplete metabolic pathway involving tryptophan.  Folks with a
disrupted pathway secrete IAG.

Normal folks don't secrete it, and Dr. S. was implying that Gulf War
veterans had a disrupted pathway.  Here's a link.  You will have to
immerse yourself into his website, it's crammed with info!  (it's a
large number of webpages and articles:


Also, here's a website in the states that can test for IAG (The U of
Sunderland also tests for it.   I'm only mentioning it because it might
further enlighten you.)


There's a little bit more....someone has suggested that this IAG might
be similar in shape to a useful enzyme called biotinadase.  Biotinadase
is the vitamin biotin and the amino acid lysine.  I have not been able
to get this confirmed.  From my research Biotinadase seems to help in
the digestion of complex carbs.  it's implied that the body was trying
to use IAG when there wasn't enough biotinadase, or that IAG was
interfering in biotinadase metabolism.  As I said, this was never
confirmed, but I am a person who has problems digesting  complex
carbs....with a family history of autism.  I find that I think better on
the lysine and biotin.  There's another really interesting piece of news
that's come out on the autism front, about a protein called reelin that
seems to be identical to the opiods that Dr.  Reichelt has found (casein
intolerance).  Let me know if you want that also.

But I'm really sorry I can't find you the confirmation that the
disruption of metabolism of Gulf War Veterans has been identified!

Another source of  stomach lining problem comes from ulcers.  These can
be caused by excess caffeine, too much eating rushed eating, alcohol,
etc. It is also aggravated/caused  by H.Pylori.  An organism which is
resistant to Garlic!

Use instead Ginger. Ginseng, Golden seal, etc instead.

Also garlic though it will cut down yeast and other harmful
GI organism it will irritate ulcers even more.

The ulcer may not cause obvious or direct pain, but may lead to bleeding
which may or may not be detected by the human eye. This bleeding causes
tiredness and weakness.

It can cause cloudy BMs and/or  black tarry stools.

It also causes a chronic lack of refreshing sleep.

There may also be dizziness or a light-headed feeling.

Perhaps this problem is compounded by food intolerance.

Note: Pure filtered coffee does not seem to have the
same effect on ulcers as unfiltered instant coffee.

Even  decaffeinated coffee acts  like ordinary unfiltered coffee in this

Some beers(controls H.Pylori), antibiotics and liquid Antacid keep
ulcers DOWN.

Swallowing a small amount of powerful antiseptic diluted(one part
antiseptic to five parts water) also gives instant and temporary relief
from H.Pylori/ulcers.

Ulcers are made worse by aspirins, Ibruofen, etc (which thin the

Diet is very important as well.

Avoid fat or oily foods, fast foods, chocolate, citric acid, salt, spicy
food, etc.

Citric acid is often used as a preservative. Preservatives in general
also contain gluten, etc, etc, etc. Drink green tea to soothe ulcer.
Ulcers are an easily overlooked source of energy loss and lethargy


   I wish you all well.


Sikh Philosophy:  Truth is Heaven.