<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Okay, I have the summary to my  posting "accupuncture,
silent cd or ? long". I hope it is coherent.

1 person is having the gene test done on her daughter,
and will take her off gluten if she tests positive for
the gene

Another person said after explaining his family and
personal history that "Celiac Disease is amysterious
disease and there is no reliable test to prove that
person does not have it. Better take the safe side:
put your kids on a gluten free diet." After everything
I've read I tend to agree with him.

1 person mentioned this website:

and another mentioned this site:
DrDavidWilliams.com: Food Allergies Cramping Your Social Life?

1 person felt accupuncture could only help symptoms,
not the underlying disease. `Malarkey' was the
operative word here.

A number of people mention Dr. Fine and his Enterolab.

I noticed a quote from him recently.stating that
autoimmune diseases are triggered by gluten ingestion.

I haven't seen any research regarding this and worry
about how much of our info comes from unsupported
statements? I'd like to believe him, but the work he
does is questioned as not reliable by other sources
(which is also an unsupported statement, I know. I
just read yesterday in a research abstract from Canada
that fecal fat tests and some other ones are not
reliable ; but I can't recall which abstract, I was
flipping through sites that were related to diabetes
antibodies and celiac disease.)

Which I was doing because Lynn wrote me  `...I heard
there was some recent research on celiac and diabetes,
that showed the antibodies that are the root cause of
type I diabetes dissapear once the person goes on a gf
diet.  This I heard word of mouth, from the chapter
leader of my local cd support group.  So I do not have
the source to give you...'

After she wrote I went surfing and found this;


you have to join (free) to read anything on medscape,
but this is the info Lynn had heard; the research is
from Italy, Dr. Allesandro Ventura, and it includes
thyroid antibodies as well.

Absendt in Texas wrote:...I don't know that this can
be counted on for everyone, but my vitiligo began to
disappear when I got to be really good at the diet. I
feel so much better now, and some pesky health
problems that I didn't dream were connected with
celiac disease have just disappeared. Go for that
diet, for yourself and your daughter, and be thankful
that at last we know what we can do for ourselves, and
we are progressing rapidly toward making the medical
community aware that ours is not a rare disease.  Then
there will be more good diagnoses, and gluten free
food will become more readily available and cheaper.

The diet a whole lot better than putting yourself at
risk for anemia, bone disease, pernicious anemia,
thyroid  disease, lymphoma, and cancers, and you
actually can learn to make good food easily.  At
least, that is my opinion! (I'm sure you will hear
lots more, just as good as mine.)

Thank you Absendt!

Several people wrote with encouragement and empathy
(aint parenting the hardest thing we'll ever do?)

Nancy in nyc brought up the important issues of
conforming to the peer group in relation to food and
body image "I don't think it helps your daughter to
evade issues of  conformity--(not that that's what you
are doing; though avoiding confronting the food issue
may have a component of that)--not now, not ever".

Conforming really isn't the issue with me. I don't
relish saddling her with the extra preparations, the
precautions, the hesitancies whenever she goes with
friends to the sub shop or on a sleepover. I don't
relish the idea of taking the whole family to gf
world... it means a lot more work for me. But I
started this testing process because I knew I had to.

Deb in Illinois wrote of her family's autoimmune
diseases and summarizes :  ...Obviously, there is a
genetic link. And, what roll does diet play?  I am so
hungry for information and help that I try to keep an
open mind about everything to do with autoimmune
disease....Nothing is ever going to make me ingest
gluten again, but I sure would like to support my
health in any other ways possible.

Which I think is a good philosophy.

Thank you all,
ca usa