<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Question:  Has anyone tried Veratrum ALB 30C or Papaya Pills after
accidentally ingesting gluten?  (Include details)


Veratrum is a homeopathic remedy for diarrhea. The vast majority of people,
including teens, can take these products without after effects. It best to
take any homepathic preparation as soon as possible, but not within 20
minutes of eating or drinking anything. After that, follow the directions on
the bottle.

Papaya is a mild digestive aid, but probably won't help much.

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This may not be of much help, but from my experience, the veratrum album
work effectively on the cramping and diarreah.  I don't take it unless i
realize that i have ingested something i should not have, which i know from
the cramping and nausea that i feel.  It has helped me for temporary relief
of the symptoms.  I think it would be safe for an 11 yr old, and it is GF.
It can be purchased usually at any health food store that sells vitamin
supplements, etc. and costs roughly $6.00 per vial.  There are plenty of
pills in the vial for many accidents, and i keep my vial with me at all
times.  I think it would be worth a shot.

I also take papaya enzymes (chewable) to help aid in digestion.  Not sure if
it is good for accidental ingestion of gluten, but it seems to help with the
breakdown of the food.  My bottle says to chew 3-4 pills after a meal.
That's exactly what I do, and they can be purchased at health food stores
also.  Probably the quickest way to get some, as ordering online you have to
wait to receive them in the mail.  They dont taste teribly bad, like a mix
of pineapple and papaya.   Good luck with everything and I hope your
daughter feels well soon.

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The veratrum 30C is a homeopathic remedy which is very safe.  It is not
completely understood why homeopathy works because so little of the actual
substance is taken.  For example, the veratrum 30C means that veratrum is
diluted 1 part to 100 parts water or alcohol.  Then one part of that
solution is diluted again in 100 parts water/alcohol, and so on for 30
times.  In between dilutions they "shake" the liquid.  Try finding a book on
homeopathy in the library if you're interested.  It's hard to explain it
well without taking a lot of time.

I have used veratrum once for gluten ingestion, just this past week.  I
didn't realize at first that I had ingested gluten, but I took a combination
remedy for diarrhea which contains veratrum after I had a bad bout of
diarrhea.  I then went to bed for a couple of hours and that was the end of
the diarrhea.  I later remembered using a plate with crumbs on it which I
thought were GF.  Thinking about it later, I realize they probably were not.

The "pills" should be gluten free, but may contain some lactose.

According to a book I have, Veratrum album is made from the roots of the
white hellebore plant, just before flowering.

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Witchcraft and quackery, I fear. Too good to be true, literally.